Hi Ricki

What I have done with course one is I firstly made a commitment to do all the exercises, and continue to do them as I am studying course two. I am trying to make the applicable ones a daily ritual, and for the most part I have. I re-listen to Jacks words, I have put my faith in the process, and then I am simply letting the universe do what it does best and support me, while taking note of what happens around me.

Im sensing you are feeling a little uncomforatble doing the ES course. Can I give you my thoughts?

What helps me, and what may help you, are words from T Harv Eker:

"The only time you are actually growing is when you are feeling uncomfortable".

This alone inspires me to keep going and feel excited when I am feeling uncomfortable, because i know I am making progress and am growing.

Also "The secret to success is not to try to avoid or get rid of or shrink from your problems; the secret is to grow yourself so you are bigger than your problems". This reminds me to step up and be a bigger person.

Lastly "how you do anything is how you do everything". This reminds me to keep on with the exercises and look for the lessons and the gifts.

I hope that in some way these words help you as they are helping me. Its such a wonderful adventure.

Intentional One