Hello Ricki,
Glad someone else out there is half a century old - I'm getting there.
I can only refer to my experiences, and I worked through Course One first and only moved on when I felt I had got a handle on it. Now working through Course Two I am convinced I did the right thing, as Course Two deepens and builds on Course One.
I found all the exercises to be really beneficial, though I doubted that at the time. I wasn't really into writing 101 goals - five or ten, maybe... However I genuinely want to break through the success barrier, using methodology and not 'magic' or 'secrets', so I determined to learn from "Master Jack". If he said to do something, I just did it.
Only after doing the 101 goals exercise did I understand the real process behind it. I wrote 107 goals in all, and found I had to write about 50 before I started to get in touch with what really gave me joy. In other words my life-purpose and fountain-of-happiness is buried under numerous layers of must-dos, should-dos, would-be-good-to-dos etc. Once I had listed all of those, I started to get in touch with my real inner self, and I tapped into about 60 dream goals that I would love to achieve. I also started to tap into patterns in my goals, so I could cluster them (e.g. places I would love to visit, activities that give me unadulterated joy, dreams that are now obsolete and I could relegate to the rubbish heap).
Good luck and let us know what happens.
Take care and happy ES,
French Claire