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What are you even doing by arguing the legitimacy of the PR system?
Originally I was on your side. It makes sense to question. I am Catholic. One of the priests at my parish who I talked to told me to question as much as I felt I needed to because that's what leads to true faith in anything. When reasonable questions yield no good answers, faith can be shaken. But all of your reasonable questions have been answered. AND YOU"RE IGNORING THEM.

In order to continue your stubborn argument against LSC, you must resort to the most ridiculous questions and the faultiest logic you can come up with.

Know that PhotoReading is based in fact, not fantasy. When President Kennedy announced that man would be on the moon by the end of the decade, many thought he fantasized. They didn't know what space scientists knew; if they had, they would have believed in the goal from the beginning. Similarly, if you knew what cognitive scientists know, you would enroll in a PhotoReading class this instant. )

Notice a keyword "SIMILARLY"

I'm sorry if I delve into a slightly insulting tone. But I feel you need it. It says similarly. The Photoreading system is not BASED on the fact that Man has been to the Moon. Surely you're not THAT bent on disproving PR.

Anthony Jacquin describes hypnosis as a singularity of focus. When in trance, a person is so focused on one idea that logical and reasonable thoughts cannot interfere. A hypnotized subject can become "stuck" to something because they are singularly focused on the idea that they're hand is super glued to the object. The person is hypnotized because he or she fails to recognize that there is NO superglue at all.

You are self hypnotized, ZMasterNCreator.

You, for whatever reason, are so bent on disproving PR that you can focus on nothing else. Logic and Reason are not active in your mind.

Look at one of your longest posts. The entire thing is Pete Bissonette. And the ENTIRE THING is reasonable and logical. It says that PR is a way of consuming information (not reading at 25,000) He says Life can be better, and it can be once you learn. (look at Yukala or even me) He says that PR is not photographic recall. It isn't

But as soon as he throws out an analogy that you don't believe in...THE ENTIRE THING COLLAPSES for you.

You are so bent of disproving PR that your logical centers can't even substitute "When it was proposed that the world was round and not flat, no one believed it. "

Just because you think one scientific advancement is illegitimate doesn't mean they all are.


Furthermore did it ever occur to you that the mental whatever course you are CONTSTANTLY talking about was incomplete?

That Scheele felt it needed improvement. Where would we be if nobody accepted what Edison and Tesla created because they used information given to them by their teachers?


Open your eyes from the trance you have created and change your reality for the better.

If you are Zen at all, just accept that someone might know more than you. And STOP this ridiculous argument. If you don't have the humility, you have bigger problems than reading/info processing speed.

And lastly, I honestly want to thank you.

You have show me just how far into complete foolishness one has to sink or order to believe PR is not real.

Sorry for being harsh. But as any hypnotist knows. Sometimes you have to threaten and blow on eyelids to get someone out of a trance.

Good Luck

Last edited by AkaCharlieG; 06/27/09 04:35 PM.
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But all of your reasonable questions have been answered. AND YOU"RE IGNORING THEM.

Thank you! Other people will be glad that all these ANSWERS are REASONABLE. I can't see it but hopefully some one who isn't hypnotized can see. This thread isn't for me, it's for everyone.

Notice a keyword "SIMILARLY"

I'm sorry if I delve into a slightly insulting tone. But I feel you need it. It says similarly. The Photoreading system is not BASED on the fact that Man has been to the Moon. Surely you're not THAT bent on disproving PR.

You're right there's the keyword SIMILARLY, honest mistake. I talked about that quote because I didn't like it. It had nothing to do with the validity of photoreading.

He says that PR is not photographic recall

I knew that from the beginning.

It's great that you see something I don't, good luck. For anyone who wants to get the best insight from this thread I'd recommend you read from page one. This thread transformed AkaCharlieG.

If you get ??CONFUSED?? don't be afraid to ASK QUESTIONS.

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AkaCharlieG, you just flipped over like a pancake. At the beginning of this thread you said your faith was shaken by it. I'm glad to see that your faith is no longer shaken.

I'm not going to break what is working because I'm perfect and so are you. I don't care if you're a bad painter or disabled, your expression has a higher purpose that is perfect. I'm doing everything right because I feel I'm doing it right. I'm not going to break that by logically trying to figure out a system rather than using my intuition. Today i'm applying the photoreading system on camera and i'm answering questions on paper so that everyone can see a portion of what i'm getting from the book. I'm a genius for applying this idea because no one ever has on youtube.

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Many decades ago while taking a Kundalini Yoga course I experienced some out-of-body experiences which gave me some brief, and for me anyway, incontrovertible glimpses on the extent of our human capacities.

I found myself disembodied and yet "traveling" through and "seeing' various parts of the universe and this planet. And no-I was neither a drug user nor a diagnosed schizophrenic. One of the places to which I 'traveled', a small canyon in Colorado, I actually visited in the flesh about a year later.

For these few instances I discovered that the full(or fuller) extent of our 'senses' transcend the limitations that we ordinarily and habitually ascribe to our physical apparatus,to our 5 senses . Parenthetically,I believe that the great German philosopher ,Immanuel Kant, wrote several volumes which fundamentally(but unintentionally) supported this idea and inadvertently won over many mystic thinkers from the East.

While LSC doesn't promote Photoreading on this basis-- that our grasp of things and ideas in the universe needn't rely on the presence of a physical substrate-- the body, these experiences which I describe above certainly gave me personal verification of their possibility and hence, led my attention to methodologies like Photoreading...among many other things.

And while I believe that systems such as Photoreading and brain dynamics may work for some, as Yukala alluded, many unconscious factors may prevent a good lot of us from ever mastering them-- and not necessarily because of shortcomings within the program itself.

Having worked as a counselor for over three decades, I've seen many who experienced a multitude of lost memories, a diminished capacity for both analyzing and creatively working with their current "worlds, even forgetting what one just said-- it happens on ALL different levels. Call it denial, repression... whatever you will. Without regard for what Freud said and dispensing with the vast research on this topic, I would say, anecdotally, that all else being equal, Fear-- whether conscious or no-- will shut down our vision of the world.

In this case, Photoreading , may elude our grasp because the various channels of our mind it may open might actually unleash a host of material for which we might not be psychologically prepared .

There are many myths which refer to just this idea-- that we can only Be that which for what we're truly ready. For example, it was only after a apprenticeship with the masterful Merlin, who exposed Arthur to the many 'scary' dimensions of Being, that he could then remove excalibur from the stone and thus rise to kingship-- his True Self.

He first needed to overcome his fear.

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Alex wrote:

"In both the 2004 and 2007 retreat every participant was given the 30 minute challenge. Someone gave us a book and we had to tell that person about that book. There were people who were tested for the 30 minute challenge on stage in front of the camera.They answered specific questions about the book at the end of 30 minutes."

Well, if you have the video evidence of success with PR, then you're doing yourselves (i.e. LSC) a disservice if you don't post them for all to see. Your choice, though. I guess we'll just have to take your word for it otherwise.

Without the photographic evidence, this is just Ziad Fazah all over again. The only video available of him, shows him failing miserably to comperehend several languages, 3 of which are on his list of his best 16. Is it not in his best interests to post something showing what he can really do? Then again, he really has to be able to do it. Maybe he learns with Photoreading. The more I read this thread, the more I wonder how much of PR is really just hype. I mean what can you actually do with it?

"These things don't convince you naturally. Because reading doesn't work. You cannot read. Did you know that? Reading is technically an impossible feat."

In that case, how are you comprehending these posts? Are you absorbing them metaphysically on some level mere mortals such as myself are unable to attain? Just wondered, because I'm 'reading' them.

"Letters are symbols which poorly translate sound. We look at the symbols and give them meaning. Where in reality they have no meaning. They are abstract. Someone can look at them and give them voice but lets get real. You cannot touch the symbols they only have meaning that we as individuals gave them."

We call this 'reading' where I come from. And I've found the letters and writing systems of the many languages I've studied to be perfectly adequate for my my needs.

"How did we give them meaning? Rote learning which ultimately helped us to memorise certain patterns and give the set of symbols a meaning."

This isn't entirely true. It may be of one's first language, but I recently happened upon a system to learn Chinese characters together with their tone and order of elements in just a few seconds, and also recall them and be able to write them on demand accurately. Rote learning is the usual, painful way to do this, I will agree, but it isn't always necessary.

"This leads to problem two. Comprehension which is the second stage of learning to read. Learning to understand what you are reading."

But I thought reading was supposed to be impossible, so why even attempt it?

"49 percent of the educated public cannot read even to a basic level. less than 40% can read to college level. The most taught subject in college is remedial reading. They try to get people to read beyond grade nine level."

Again, you are alluding to 'reading' when you claim that there is no such thing. Come on, you can't have it both ways!

"Now you take PhotoReading and try to correct that?

Back to comprehension. That in itself requires thinking. Most people read with a degree of comprehension. However it is only as effective as that little voice that says the words in their mind so they hear someone speaking or telling them stuff.

Which is interesting about the NASA Report. No one ever actually reads the PDF themselves and thinks about what the researcher/trainee (who is the same person) is testing for. They take the word of whoever had something to point out about it but there in is a danger. You miss what they probably missed.

The first part of the report... the researcher is checking for speed reading or the ability to read at 25,000 words a minute.

If you've followed me and the Learning Strategies site for any length of time you know
• You Cannot READ at 25,000 WPM
• PhotoReading is not READING"

In that case, there is some serious misrepresentation going on, if only through implication. I notice that the sites that promote PR are very careful not to use the word 'reading' to refer to Photoreading, but surely reading is implied, and not in some small part by the now rather inconvenient name of the system PhotoREADING.

"Knowing that and if you read the report you might just notice the researcher is testing PhotoReading for something it is not. Since PhotoReading is not reading at 25,000 wpm why is the researcher testing PhotoReading for that?"

So, what you're saying, is that the test needs to be rigged so that PR comes out favourably, much like the very easy multiple-choice ones in the PR book.

"And a thinking person might even question the validity of something that claims to be scientific research where the researcher is a participant / trainee?"

Good point. OK, then, if I happened to be in Oz in the near future, would you be interested in submitting to a test that I administer? You are, after all, an 'expert' at Photoreading, so I would expect you to be able to Photoread a book of my choosing, and provide accurate answers to any questions I asked, including statistical data, without error or guesswork, and without the need to return to the book consciously after 'activation'. Well?

The fact that you have to return to the book after all the other steps, including the PR step is one thing that I find suspicious about the whole thing. You've got to 'dip in' and read consciously, so really, you can just dispense with the rest of it and just go straight to the index and look up what you need. Unless, of course, I'm missing something. If I am, then please show us the evidence.

"All that the research proved is that PhotoReading is not reading at 25,000 wpm and that you cannot read at 25,000 wpm."

In that case, the claims made on the websites that promote PR are deliberately misleading. This reading speed is implied, if not claimed.

But the bottom line here is this: Where is the evidence that PR is as amazing as you claim? And what can you actually do with it?

"PhotoReading changed my life but I'm not waving it around on youtube making out I'm a genius or better than anyone else now that I PhotoRead. That wouldn't help anyone."

I disagree. It would clear up a lot of the debate on here and also help out LSC, the company you represent. As I pointed out above, you aren't helping yourselves out otherwise, in fact, you are adding to the suspicions of the skeptics.

If you don't fancy doing it yourself, why not ask Yukala to do it? He has no qualms about proclaiming himself as an enlightened genius, and I'm sure ZMaster would like to see him put his money where his mouth is.

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Nice text Inchiki

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 Originally Posted By: Inchiki Gaijin
If you don't fancy doing it yourself, why not ask Yukala to do it? He has no qualms about proclaiming himself as an enlightened genius, and I'm sure ZMaster would like to see him put his money where his mouth is.


I do not get any money from this. However I do have my agendas elsewhere.

The first step of flipping pages at 25,000 words or so per minute and another 'unrelated step' to this system called PhotoReading generally known as 'spontaneous activation' with some techniques that promote a similar experience is what I know.

And I was using it 'by accident' since about 8th grade. So I have tests and many personal experiences now 35 years later to better understand and utilize it.

Taking the course was a validation and codification of a process I could easily appreciate. My first speed reading class was back in 10th or 11th grade. And gosh I could wish I knew then what I learned in Photoreading.

Anyway, as I have said and I am not of LSC, but by way of classification an old Theosophist, second generation 1905-1935. And there are many things I know to be possible, have records of or can do that would blow the circuits of most the nay-slayers here a’ complaining.

And with prejudice and experiencing heaps of prejudice over time, our attitude is generally; ‘so what, that is really your problem to know, to prove a thing and enjoy doing it’ not ours.

We have been party to many inventions that are considered common scientific fact and most our investigations would not pass the test of conservative scrutiny.

So again, enjoy what you believe and know and can do. I do.

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I do not get any money from this. However I do have my agendas elsewhere.

What's on your agenda; posting on forums frequently to people you don't even know?

Last edited by ZMasterNCreator; 06/29/09 04:06 PM.
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 Originally Posted By: ZMasterNCreator

I do not get any money from this. However I do have my agendas elsewhere.

What's on your agenda; posting on forums frequently to people you don't even know?

This is the one of two forums and the other one has 6 posts and it is business related having to do with running ones own server company.

I am very focused, this topic interests me, as I use it daily.

Secondly I am founding an on-line school and intend to run it for the next 30 years as feasible.

However, I will probably just keep it to point one, as I am content to build my reputations up from scratch elsewhere.

Enjoy; the sun shines, the dogs play and many projects await...

Good Fortune to each and all.

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One question)

Is it possible that we could PR without knowing about these steps? If someone would tell us that PR works without the page flipping step, would not it be the same result? A friend of mine did this experiment and he did pretty well without getting into states)) He just activated the book...

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