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French Claire -
I love the partner thought.
I am a staunch believer in what many would call an anthropomorphized supreme intelligence. I call my God 'Heavenly Father.' This at once identifies me as of divine origin and divine potential and recognizes a source of caring, supportive, protective, and creative energy with which I can communicate to work through difficult times, rejoice in good times, and give and receive appreciation.
Some time ago I created a screen saver for my computer monitor that read "Heavenly Father loves me." After using it for some time, I felt it had served its purpose and created a new one. It says "I partner with my Heavenly Father." It's something I am still involved with bringing into conscious awareness as I evolve and create my days.
Thank you for the reminder.
May you create a beautiful (partnership) day!
Margaret Ida

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Always enjoy your posts, they often mirror my own thoughts at the time. As for your "Big 3" questions I have actually been releasing on those very topics in the past two weeks. Please bear w me - I don't post a lot of but today I seem to have a lot to say, and if it is of benefit, all the better!

I found myself a bit overwhelmed with ES at first, a lot of resistance to feeling I "deserved" effortless success - in many forms. Interestingly, the goals that were my most pressing became stagnant, while a less pressing one - my health, working out, better diet - just took off! I exercise everyday wo any resistance, and dont even want many of the snackies I used to.

But back to your Big 3. Philosophically/spiritually speaking, from what I've learned in my life so far, the mind/ego creates a million ways to distract us from our true selves, primarily because a) much of the mind's function is to solve problems of this world, the one of separation, and b) because it is of that world, it incorrectly fears it wont be needed if we discover Oneness, and therefore creates more problems to keep us focused on it's unique talent - to solve problems after lot of hard work, dithering, and doubt!

Bottom line, we need all facets of our being, but we feel incomplete because we are only utilizing the basics learned through ego. Once we "lift the veil" we have access to what has always there, our higher self, our unconscious, our complete being. I consider this being to actually be the guide I'm looking for and that I currently don't recognize within me. I know I could have direct access but am still getting used to that - right now it's as if I need to dial a phone number and hope my call gets thru - to myself! And likewise, once you are linked into the higher self, you ARE rejoined to the One, and then your inner/outer guidance system is whole and complete. Not to say others in our lives may not provide guidance us as well - on the contrary, I believe when we are in the One, those folks arrive much more quickly, along with signposts, etc., to help us on our paths. The ultimate network.

Now, let me jump off my philosophical/spiritual soap box and over to my practical soapbox... Tho I know all this, it doesn't mean I can just let it go however; perhaps you have a bit of that as well? Not through stubbornness, more a lifetime of using a certain set of beliefs and life tools, deeply ingrained. Typical beliefs that limit us and "keep us safe" - another of our mind/ego's goals. Our mind/ego is all about survival - it just doesn't want us to get hurt. Thinking outside the box, taking a risk with career, relationships, whatever... one of its best tools to keep us from getting "hurt" is DOUBT. Another one focusing on other's goals for you (dad always wanted me to be...) since they appear to be safe/sanctioned by an authority figure.
I had purchased the Sedona Method same time as ES, thinking to do ES first along with everyone else, and then TSM later. I found I was creating an anxiety within me in regard to ES that I couldn't shake. I found myself really questioning my beliefs in myself, whether I had the "right" goals, why wasn't I at stage XYZ etc, etc. etc. etc. etc. ETC!!! \:\)

All that is actually great, as things that come up, come up for healing... but I need some assistance in working thru it. For me the answer seems to be The Sedona Method. A few weeks ago, I finally allowed some inner guidance to steer me toward TSM - I needed it NOW, I felt I had too many blocks to allow ES to play out freely. I had bought both together (there are no coincidences in life) but I see now my ego steered me toward ES -I wanted success NOW - I'd just do the inner healing stuff later. Ha!

I have not stopped any of the daily affirmations, mirror exercises, some daily disciplines etc. from ES - I have however stopped trying so hard to create that "perfect goal" and concrete plans of action while doing TSM. After studying TSM over the past week or two, I am now adding "active" ES items back into my day. Also I am not trying to push TSM, it is simply something that is working for me, I know there are plenty of other modalities by which to heal.

So for me, has been very refreshing, freeing, and fantastic to release all that self-created anxiety. And the techniques are such you can do them real-time throughout the day as needed - just a minute. Some of the TSM teachings I knew - but forgot - and many other things have been brought to light for me. Lot's of aha moments. It's so simple - it's all about just releasing all that holds us back as it comes up.

You're Big 3 seems to dovetail right into what I've been learning thru TSM. That so much more is possible than what we think is, and also how to accept what really is, let it go, and THEN completely new possibilities open up. Identifying when a goal is truly ours or someone else's and releasing wo any fallout. By releasing all our attraction and aversion to things/events/people, we can approach life - always - from our highest self, for our greatest good, from love.

I feel I have a cleaner slate to build ES on. I'm not "thinking" so much about consequence, what if, or am I on the right path. All of which were paralyzing to me. I feel more like I "just know" or that things will come to me when I need them.

Feeling lighter and more in the flow - happy weekend to all

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Hi all
In reading this thread, and the revelations present in it, I find it encouraging that we are all growing with this course. We each have our own stars to reach for, but the bumpy journey seems to be a shared one.

I am realizing how difficult is is to 'allow' and receive the benefits that are flowing in my direction. And I am pleasantly surprised each time I trust the process and great things arrive in my life- but then I go right back to trying to make things happen the way I think they should again!

Thank you all for the brilliance you share!


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 Originally Posted By: French Claire
Hi there Uniquesoul,
Just to say, I disagree with what you say, well partially anyway. I know this is your scientific brain at work, and that part I can agree with. There are laws of nature (or laws of science, or whatever we want to call them). However those are mere limitations of the mind, just as Napoleon Hill says.
Why? Well, we all agree that human beings cannot fly (well not yet anyway). However humans have always had a dream of flying. In the 1700's someone (can't remember who) managed to glide by imitating birds and creating artificial wings - a kind of flying. The Wright brothers went a step further and added power, they took humans flying a step further. We have since flown into space. Thus by expanding our definition of flight, we can now claim humans can fly. At this point in time, to suggest that humans can't fly is merely nitpicking about what definition of flying we use. It is semantics, not laws of science we are talking about.

We can apply the same logic to growing a few inches taller. Wear high heels for example (more feasible if you are female in our society - but see that is just another example of a societal limitation, not a law). Psychologically there is another way to grow a few inches taller - grow your self esteem, feel taller, grow up, take your rightful space.

In the end it is all an argument of semantics, wordology, if you prefer. We make the definitions, and some of us get stuck because we believe our mental definitions. Others, the creative ones, try to expand the definition, to get beyond the limitation. The choice is ours. Just as Napoleon Hill says, "There are no limitations, just those in our minds."

Regarding 'realistic targets', Uniquesoul, I believe this is just another mental boundary or limitation. Who decides what is realistic and what isn't? Listen to Jack Canfield's wonderful story of the Australian farmer or some kind of hill-billy who ran faster and further and thus won the race because he didn't "know" he should rest at night.

Regarding realistic targets, there is no hard and fast rule. No scientific law if you prefer. For some of us who live within very narrow parameters (boundaries / limitations) our scope to set high targets is small. For people like Canfield, Richard Branson, Edison and those who have the mental faculties to push beyond 'normal' human limits, then the rewards are HUGE. This is what ES is all about. The Big Leap, ditto. It is about knocking those fictitious 'laws / limits' and playing in the field of make-believe (absolute creativity where no laws hold) and finding what lies beyond.

A final point, Uniquesoul. I too believe in science and psychology is my metier. My passion is research. Hence I believe in the value of disciplined research as a means for furthering knowledge. However the dream of every researcher is to test those boundaries, to find new patterns of data, to take our understanding from where it is not just one step further. Thus science, too, has a focus on determining a limitation, understanding how it works, and then seeing what happens when we move beyond it: finding the next boundary.

There are physical limitations, which we can overcome via technology. This is the case of flying. None of us can do it unaided as nature has created us terrestrial animals. Leonardo da Vinci created wings to be fitted to human for them to fly. I am sure you can glide down with them, but I doubt you can use them to move up sharply like birds can.

We can swim, but we can't dive deeply like dolphins and staying under water with them. This is why we need to keep to realistic goals or use a scale like MTO (minimum, target, outrageous). There are an infinite number of goals we can set for ourselves to create a great and fulfilling life. The main point is creating the appropriate action. Jack recommends it ES and so do many other today as the gurus of the past did too (like Napoleon Hill).

You can test lots of emotional boundaries and this is the point of The Big Leap, which explores the topic in a very fascinating and apt way. Gay helps us to understand why we fall from grace, how to avoid it and what to do when it happens.

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A few weeks ago, I finally allowed some inner guidance to steer me toward TSM - I needed it NOW, I felt I had too many blocks to allow ES to play out freely. I had bought both together (there are no coincidences in life) but I see now my ego steered me toward ES -I wanted success NOW - I'd just do the inner healing stuff later. Ha!

I have not stopped any of the daily affirmations, mirror exercises, some daily disciplines etc. from ES - I have however stopped trying so hard to create that "perfect goal" and concrete plans of action while doing TSM. After studying TSM over the past week or two, I am now adding "active" ES items back into my day. Also I am not trying to push TSM, it is simply something that is working for me, I know there are plenty of other modalities by which to heal.

So for me, has been very refreshing, freeing, and fantastic to release all that self-created anxiety. And the techniques are such you can do them real-time throughout the day as needed - just a minute. Some of the TSM teachings I knew - but forgot - and many other things have been brought to light for me. Lot's of aha moments. It's so simple - it's all about just releasing all that holds us back as it comes up.

You're Big 3 seems to dovetail right into what I've been learning thru TSM. That so much more is possible than what we think is, and also how to accept what really is, let it go, and THEN completely new possibilities open up. Identifying when a goal is truly ours or someone else's and releasing wo any fallout. By releasing all our attraction and aversion to things/events/people, we can approach life - always - from our highest self, for our greatest good, from love.

I feel I have a cleaner slate to build ES on. I'm not "thinking" so much about consequence, what if, or am I on the right path. All of which were paralyzing to me. I feel more like I "just know" or that things will come to me when I need them.


Thanks for taking the time to articulate your philosophy and your experience. Although I don't do the Sedona Method myself (Lately I've been working with something called The Feeling Exercise from the Abundance for Life Course - similar intent, just a different form), you are definitely speaking to one of the themes that show up for me around those questions I was posing a few posts back.

Emotional Intelligence seems have become something of a buzz phrase in a lot of self-improvement circles these days, but I think it is with good reason. My core teacher often says that one of indicators that you are somehow deluding yourself is an experience of emotional dissonance. Feeling scared, anxious, angry, sad, etc. can be symptoms of an internal misalignment with what we know to be true. In other words, our thoughts are getting in the way of our seeing reality. This isn't a hard and fast rule, but I find it to be a helpful guideline.

What I find works best for me is an absolute willingness and commitment to experience the feeling combined with a curiosity to know what's really true. Sedona Method, The Feeling Exercise, and something else I sometimes work with called The Complete Acceptance Process (from a Learning Strategies sponsored program I worked with a few years ago called "The Effort Free Life System") all seem to aim at reclaiming the energy bound up in the feeling. I find that sometimes that is enough in itself, but I find there are other times where I need to be more active in asking, "How am I deluding myself right now?" or "What thought am I believing that is creating this upset?" For me, it has become a matter of both wanting to be free of the effects of the "negative" and wanting to see though the feeling it to it's origin, so as to pull it out of the ground of my habitual thinking by its very roots.

I think part of what prevented my from being successful in the past, was my refusal to take these "re-routing/re-committing" opportunities more seriously. I, too, wanted success NOW, and I was willing to plow through my fears, doubts, and anxieties to go for the gold. Only problem was, I never got there. I think there are some people who are able to get what they want (or at least what they think they want) despite whatever emotional issues might surface for them. I also think there are some people who don't even register these kinds of emotions (which doesn't necessarily mean they aren't there). But the fact is, I'm not hooked up that way, and if there is anything I've learned is that "not doing the inner healing stuff" is simply not a viable option for me.

At the same time, what I have observed is that when an individual achieves their goals but doesn't address the emotional aspects of their success-seeking process, it still creates backlash for somebody or something within the ecosystem of relationships. Put more simply, IT JUST AIN'T SUSTAINABLE. My opinion is that we are now seeing the consequences of this on a global scale (I won't turn this into a rant by listing the litany of unsustainable activities that have reached epic and planet threatening proportions. You get the idea). I have decided I can't and won't be part of this, and I am learning that my emotions are among my greatest of allies.

Thanks again for your willingness to look into yourself and share what you see.


Last edited by Stevers; 07/04/09 06:04 PM.
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Hi there,

I'm actually working on session 1 of course 2, "turn around your limiting beliefs". I have the impression that it's rather tricky for me to identify the limiting beliefs. I'm quite sure that I have some unknown ones and these are supposed to the most limiting ones due to just that nature. My list of restricting statements often heard when growing up is quite short (another belief? ;-) at least the ones I can remember.

Any ideas of how to deal with that?
Any list of limiting beliefs for "inspiration"?
Any list of restricting statements when growing up?

Thanks, regards,

You might consider attending some hypnosis sessions. I heard a fascinating course recebtly by Gale Glassner Twersky in which she tells of some of her clients, with recurring problems, but it was only through hypnosis where they found out things about htemselves they had hidden away since childhood - patterns that were set in place in our first five years, for reasons that are now long forgotten, yet the pattern persists.

I have also hears it said, simply, that anything you have and don't want, or anything you don't have an want, is a product of your limiting beliefs. That's the theory. I haven't quite worked out the practical stuff yet either...

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 Originally Posted By: Margaret Ida
Yukala, I find myself responding to your comment with various thoughts. At present, I am thinking that you apparently are not willing to exercise the 'courage' Stevers refers to. Perhaps he has been living with the perspective you describe as 'being on your own entirely' and finds it a challenge to accept guidance from sources with command of a greater view than his own.
Perhaps, on the other hand, you have been living from another perspective - perhaps one in which you have felt obligated to follow others' directions. For you the exercise of 'courage' is more related to taking personal responsibility for your decisions and subsequent actions.
I suspect that exercising our divinity demands a combination of those two (and many other) perspectives in ever expanding ways.
May you create for yourself and others a divine day.
Margaret Ida

Hi Ida!

I will not speak to ‘noble soul’ whom I already bantered with, but I found your post insightful.

The rest of the posters on this thread are ‘muddled’. A simple observation.

You have heart, keen intelligence and the witness of the written posts to ‘know’ another here.

You point out well the extreme quandary facing all spirits everywhere.

Asking for help from that which is perceived as On High and Benign or develop ones self to being On High and Benign. However, you think I am ‘reacting’ to prior stimulus and perhaps have not well thought out my course without uncomely stress?

The two courses will war against each other for a very long eon or several for that matter. And yet, no matter ones approach to ‘Those’ perceived as truly Great we will never reach them unless they FALL, for indeed as we approach they ‘recede’ as all beneath them contributes and as well God grows!

A fine quote to our mystery here. And I trust each to take this as it pleases them:

“No matter the merits of thy teaching
All of it will eventually bind
For each soul is divine
And must unfold this Mystery alone, One”

The roots of this passage older then any civilization now extant times 5.

And two other but not so old quotes:

“The only thing that comes by no effort is decay”
"Any heaven that admits you where you received 'help' is not Heaven"

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I loved that quote:
“The only thing that comes by no effort is decay”
When I feel crotchety and hard done by at having to make yet another effort, I'll look at your quote (which I'm putting on my office wall) and smile.
Gay Hendricks said that some people are strongly motivated if they move TOWARDS a goal, while others operate better if they MOVE AWAY from something they strongly don't want. This quote marries both polarities: when I make an effort I take a step away from decay and towards my goal.
I hope you don't find this "muddled" too!
French Claire

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For uncovering limiting beliefs you can use this method.

Get a sheet of paper and write down what it is you are affirming. Like I have a New car... and pay attention to the first thought comes to mind. which might be something like yeah right that bomb isn't new it's more than 10 years old.
Repeat I have a new car.. write the next one. Where did you get the money to buy it? ...There's a limiting belief.. no money... gives you something else to take through the process.


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Beliefs are deep rooted in all of us, however, many are distorted, while others are down right false. If you search for the truth, you will find it. Listen to your inter-self, your feelings and always remain open and willing to change. When a belief comes to mind, ask yourself if this is a limiting you in some way. When the answer comes, trust it!
I think I can truthfully say that most of the beliefs we learned in our youth was junk. Once you discover a belief that is limiting, a new belief will take its place. One that you can trust.

For example: If one believes that all good things come to those who wait, can change to "all good things come to those who take the proper action."

Duane V
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