Hi Peggy,
" Usually my pain has eased with the qigong up until this last " body crisis". The nail in my "doubt coffin" went in yesterday when I saw my physiotherapist who said my shoulder pain is arthritis-based and that the qigong movements,which so many involve shoulder/arm actions are aggravating me."

Your progress, which is wonderful, seemed to greatly affected by this 'message' you got from the physiotherapist. I wouldn't let that message in so deep. Don't let that opinion dislodge the wonderful inspired path you have been on!

If a doctor told me I had arthritis, and shouldn't do active qigong because it would irritate my arthritis, I would smile, and say thankyou for the advice. Then I would go home and continue on with my gigong practice. I wouldn't consider them having much knowledge about qigong, defining it as just a physical movement practice.

I think you were doing really well with your practice, and sound to have a good sense of it relative to yourself and the challenges you are working with.

KNOW that when you engage with your practice, any part, that you are, at that point of engagement or immersion, self healing, regenerating and transforming. There can be some acutely felt physical sensation, or emotion in that. When you engage with qigong, healing feels like whatever it feels like, it is what it is, and it all is a blessing. You are a totally zen person. Wonderfully sensitive. Clear yourself of this last setback and get back to the great selfwork you were accomplishing.