Hello, I am glad to hear that you won't give up QiGong.
I understand well how discontent negative energies can make one feel. I myself have once held in erratic and abstract emotions in myself for so long that they have manifested into...well, something I labeled 'not good'.

I'll going to quote something that I wrote a few months back...
"Keep up your SFQ, you are just releasing old energy blockages.
When relaxing, send relaxing energy to the spot that you feel pain. Gently, use your mind to 'wrap around' the 'edges' of the area of pain, see it as energy-feel it as energy. Don't force it, do it from 'an observer' perspective...as if you are at the movies watching it happen on screen. Part of you already knows how to do this effortlessly, just tune into that perspective.

Then visualize/feel that the energy/area blockage is transparent--as transparent and empty as the air around you. As transparant as the space between the atoms of your body. Part of you may subconciously tense up as you do this, check to see if this has happened and simply relax back into the emptiness. Keep feeling the blockage as emptiness, BE IT as emptiness (while you stay relaxed)

The blockage is simply and object created from your mind somewhere in the past. It may be old energies that your body no longer needs and your energy body is telling your mind, "Hey, we don't need this anymore! Let's 'iron' it out!"

After a few moments of focusing on the blockage and the space in and around you as emptiness--you will reach a state where the emptiness inside the blockage feels the same as the emptiness outside of the blockage. At this point, your mind will feel only the edges, then, see the edges too, as emptiness and the blockage will dissolve.

Bring energy (breath+visualize) positive loving energy entering every atom of your body and collecting in the dantien. Feel the energy effortlessly flow through you, and you feel blissful.

Should you find more blockages when 'effortlessly' drawing in energy, repeat the steps. Also, this works for negetive emotions, thoughts, etc. Just find the part of your body that is 'experiencing' the emotion and feel that become transparent..."

Allow the pain, blocked energy sensations or negative emotions to arise. Don't resist them. Fighting them only adds energy to them and they may come back stronger. I'm not trying to scare anyone here. I just want to illustrate how emotions can work. Instead of 'mentally deciding that you don't like the feeling you are experiencing' try allowing the feeling to come into your energy body. Allow the feeling to arise as energy, not a feeling. (All in all, EVERYTHING is pure energy) In your mind, accept these emotions, sensations and feelings for what they are, manifestations of energy. Make the intention to release and dissolve the energy to the Universe and bring in new positive energy to replenish and renew your being.

If that sounds like a bunch of mumbo-jumbo (I go off on tangents sometimes) Then try the simple version: (It sure helped me out)
Take a few moments and imagine what it will be like to have mastered life and all of your pain, blockages and limitations completely undone. Feel how wonderful this state is. Experience the joy and bliss of this state. Then, make a strong intention in your mind to become this state at every moment of your life.
Anytime negative energies appear, remember the wonderful state that you truly have created in your mind. Over time, the new state you are creating will override anything negative.
By doing this, you *will* open doors...


Last edited by Zakyrus; 02/25/10 03:36 PM.