I've received my ultimate library of paraliminals just a week ago...

... and right from the beginning I've heard in my head "GET AROUND TO IT" every time I decide to listen to any paraliminal! It's happened so many times now, maybe 7 or 8... The first time it was really hilarious, I was going to decide to listen to some other paraliminal but my mind kept shouting "GET AROUND TO IT" louder and louder. Again and again. I've never experienced anything like this. I've been listening to my other-than-conscious mind many years now, and this is the first time it sends me so clear messages.

Just a minute a go I was going to try another juicy paraliminal and guess what happened "GET AROUND TO IT"! I was astonished. I had thought that it would be time for another paraliminal now. Obviously not.

Yeah, it's true I've been a little slow on the motivational side lately and it's been getting worse and worse... I guess I'm in good hands now...
