Not necessarily. I know for a fact there are many ways to paint. It's not the same approach for a car, an interior wall or exterior wall. It also changes whether you want to paint just one colour or more colours or an image.

So saying, 'I want to paint' is like saying I want to find where there is hidden treasure when the book you have is an atlas.

Assuming you know nothing about painting and everything I just wrote is news to you. Then wanting to know how to paint is only part of the purpose, Why do you want to paint.

The purpose of I want to learn how to paint a mural, so that I can decorate my car. Will have you looking more specifically for information that will help you with that.

Just as the purpose, "I want learn how to paint a mural, so that I can decorate my bedroom wall." Would have you activating for information that will help you do that.

And the purpose "I want learn how to paint murals, so that I can decide what type of murals I might paint." Has you looking through the book differently again.

Each one you'll hone in to information that will help you achieve your purpose.

If your purpose is vague your activation will be vague.

So the purpose I want to learn how to paint is not a complete purpose.

I want to learn about painting so that I can discuss it with my arty friends. Or, so that I can understand what the decorator is talking about. Complete it as well.

Purpose is the reason you choose to learn something. I need to know how to paint a mural because I want one on my wall. My purpose then is to learn how to paint murals on walls, so that I can paint one on my wall.
