Since my last post things have gotten worse believe it or not.... My home got flooded due to a burst pipe 2 days before christmas, we had to move out for 2 weeks. I have no home insurance because we couldn't afford to pay it. We are working on it ourselves with the help of our family and friends.
I am in court through revenue because my last accountant did not file returns on time.
My business is just dead in the water and I am seriously thinking of walking away at this stage.
I have tried everything through feng shui you name it I have tired it. Nothing is working for me. I try to be as positive and up beat as possible but when you keep getting kicked back down its very hard to keep focused.
What am I not doing to turn all of this around. I am sick to the teeth of it all.
If I was a bad person and didnt care so much I could understand it but not when I am giving my heart and soul.
Ireland as you all know is in a huge mess with the idiots we have had in government. A big shift is on at the moment.
Is it my location and no matter what I do nothing will change where I am at the moment.
I have to get 55,000.00 euro now to get myself back on track. Help me manufest this please. Thank you for reading my stressed rambling post.