I tried to photoread a book in my native languge. After the activation I really understood the book i'll have to say maybe 60-70%. However i think the biggest part of what i remembered is from the preview and the mind map of the chapters. Im not sure if what i remember is from the photoreading or i just did a good preview and mind map. I somehow need to know something really specific that is not from the main idea of the book to proof that it worked for me.
The strange thing is that in 2 days i cant get to stop thinking of the information i got from the book.

Im not sure i do super reading right. If i look at the center of the page and move my eyes down the page i dont get nothing i look at the words but dont really get them to find something for diping. I'm good at rapid reading and the skittering but i dont quite get the superreading.


Last edited by Atlantius; 04/29/11 09:58 PM.