If you're still thinking about the book after 2 days there are probably more answers that your non-conscious mind is attempting to get your conscious mind to be aware of. I recommend doing some more activation to answer the questions that are keeping your mind on the book. As you become more skilled with PhotoReading your conscious mind starts receiving the information from the non-conscious mind better and jumps faster to the place where you need to look.

Superreading. If you get nothing you probably; don't have a question, need refine the question or need to relax and allow yourself to notice the words. If all that is okay then, if you don't find places to dip then try a different part of the book if the answer is there you'll find it. If not, refine the questions and look over the trigger words again, check the TOC and even check the index. It's possible that your curiosity located one small idea in the book. I find it interesting when that happens. The book becomes a tool to some other questions that have been on my mind and perhaps not a good question for the book. Just a sentence that answered something I was pondering.

I want to ask one aditional question. How much time would you say its good to superread and dip for book around 200 pages?

Twenty minute layers as many as it takes for the book to gel. See the 5 day test.
