I will try the 5 day test and tell you the result. With the superreading im not sure i do it right. If i go down the page looking at the center and if i see something to dip i do it but how am i suppose to know something specified from the book i photoread?

Do i have to activate everything with diping and rapid reading or if is it like chain, if i read something it activates similar information?

I had Corporate finance exam today and it included test and solving problems. I know its not that good of idea this photoread that kind of book while im still learning but i had to try smile I know that technical books or fantasy is not good for learning but almost all of my book are fantasy,fiction and technical... I don't expect to know the formulas from this stage of my photoreading but after doing the whole mind system with the book i tought i'll be prepared for the test. I knew couple of questions but most of them didn't mean anything. I activate it on layers and even rapid read it twise.

I know that the real information in books is 4 to 11% but in this books almost all of the information is important and i have to dip in like 75-80% of the book. Do i have to use something different to activate book like that?

I really appreciate your help Alex. Thank you!

Last edited by Atlantius; 05/04/11 02:26 PM.