I would keep at it, it seem to me that maybe your over thinking it. I am also in the university and I have to read a few chapters a week. what I do is I photo read everything at the beginning of the class then as I need them I will photo read right before I go to bed the chapters I will need the next day. The next morning I will activate them. I have very good luck doing it this way.

My moment of enlightenment was when I photo read the entire course before the class started. One week the teacher asked what we thought was the best process to write a paper. Not how we write but what we thought was the best process. I wrote what I thought was the best process and while wiring it down I thought to myself this is good stuff right here. I was amazed at what was coming to mind. The next week the chapter was on writing processes and it was everything that I wrote down the week before. So what happened was even though I never activated the chapter I was able to draw the information out when the question arise. This made me realize it was working. I had faith before this but this solidified its effectiveness.

Keep at it and it will come to you. Relax and let it happen. Think about this way even if you photo read the chapter a few time and had to activate it you will still save time. the first few times I did it I photo read and super read the chapter a few time not sure if I had done it write what I realized when I was super reading the second time was it seemed like I had already read all of it before. So it was easier to skip the stuff I didn’t need to know and focus on what I did. The reality was I knew the information, I was just not confident in my skill at the point.

good luck you will do great