Hi There,

I am hoping that someone might have some great advice. We have dowsed our house and have had wandering spirits attacking us continually in the day and night. Even while we are sleeping. We had a total of 28 Vortex's in this apartment alone. Which is crazy! We currently live in an apartment building and we can't move right now because I was laid off from my job. I need to somehow correct this or find another solution so I can bring in some money. We have all 4 levels of the Diamond Feng Shui - we've done it, Diamond Dowsing - implemented all levels of dowsing, Diamond Hexagrams - implemented them, Diamond Quantum colours - implemented them, Diamond Feng Shui Essentials - implemented all those. I thought with all this our place would be way too positive for them to still reside here.

We tried to find out what they wanted and there is nothing. I asked if they were attached to something and they said no. I also asked if they were here prior to us moving in. Their answer was no. I have played the classical music softly - it has no effect on them. They are very powerful as they burn us and scratch us. They make the rods give us wrong answers for vortex's and such. I have only been able to get right answers sporadically and I have just finished getting the right ones. They constantly affect the rods.

We found out that we have a negative vortex in our bathroom under our toilet. A powerful one at that and I truly believe that is where they are entering in from. We live on the 14th floor of the apartment building. I wanted to ask if by any chance is there anything that we can do to get this resolved? I have made the area around the toilet positive and gone as far as putting my hand as far as I down the toilet to try to make the vortex positive and nothing has worked.

I was thinking that I might be able to do distance dowsing since the building rental office is right beneath our bathroom on the first floor. Is this at all possible?

I am open to any suggestions and I thank you so much for reading this super long message.

Thank you in advance for your help and kindness.
