"So in my case, my friend has arthritis in her left hand, so I would start with the right hand.

What isn't clear to me is: do I follow the entire procedure with the other hand? Meaning, do I break the blockage with sword fingers, remove the excess energy and then put in good energy, and then afterwards start working on the ill hand, or is it something more simple than this?"

You got it.

One way to to look at it is 'see' the energy labeled as "arthritis" as crystallized electricity. As you break up the stuck-ness of it, just pull it out of their fingertips and return it to the Universe.

Of course, open the C7 point and shoulders, as well as the arms.
Opening the laougung point (Pericardium/Heart point) in the center of the palms can only help.

Other areas that might be related;

Tailbone, has to do with flexibility as well as the base energy of the body.

kidneys--they are essential in the production of bone-marrow as well as other aspects of life-force. Opening the middle of the back is very beneficial, kidneys also help with filtering stagnant energy (and what is arthritis other than variations of stagnant energy?) so this area is a plus.

Hope that helps!


Last edited by Zakyrus; 02/19/12 06:41 AM.