"Can I just zero-in on the point with my sword fingers and stay at that spot?"

Yes. That will definitely work, with good results.

Also, for some it seems to work really well if you move your hand (sword fingers) in a circular fashion, rather than holding them still. For others, it helps them to hold the fingers still and use the mind, to visualize/make the energy circular--almost like a 'laser beam that spins like a drill'--opening up the blocked areas.

Find what is most effective for you. Try using your sword fingers on the palm of your other hand and play with the techniques, effortlessly letting the energy flow through the spot. You don't have to have blockages in your hand to tell that 'it's doing something'.

After all, energy in the Universe is infinite, with endless potentials. It comes down the the intention of mind, to give directions for what the energy will do. In the quantum field, all minds are joined, (it may be slightly out of your focus) but you are already One with the Universe and cannot lose that state--even if you paradoxically forget to remember. Since all minds are joined, the love and joy of all Masters who would undo limits are right there with you, when you go into that quiet state and trust. You might not be aware of the limitless knowledge that lies in the 'quiet state' of the mind, but it's there with you.

Understanding this, you will begin to see that not only is your energy potential limitless, but also that as you help others, you are simultaneously removing the symbolic blocks that stand in the way to your own mastery. As always, the three keys are: Love, forgiveness, and kindness. Forgiveness overlooking the illusory faults, and kindness that brings gifts of happiness to everyone--and without expectations. Love, being far beyond these two--for it is limitless, cannot be understood FULLY unless forgiveness and kindness are known and mastered. Once understood, and forgiveness is no longer needed, it too, will be translated into Love. Trust in the Oneness of your Unlimited Spirit, which *is* Perfect Love, and the results in your healing will be...other-worldly.

What's more is that your Spirit is beyond the illusory constraints of ego and time, which means your perfection of mastery has already been accomplished in reality. Keeping awareness of this in mind (pun intended) can only aid you in your works as you make the transition to Completion. For in time, we yearn completion--yet in timelessness/eternity even Completion has already been accomplished. As for those who still live in their 'every day lives', we practice and teach mastery until it is perfected, and once realized, it is gone beyond.

1. Join at the level of the mind/emptiness, trust.
2. then focus on what you want to accomplish with your energy(intention), bring the limitless power of love into the matter by gently being aware of it.
3. then use the technique(such as sword fingers) to direct your intention and the result you desire to accomplish will manifest, most often times with such an expediency that might even surprise you.

As you progress to the level of mastery...and even further, you will gain new insights, and new techniques along the way. In 'time' you may not even need to use the sword fingers(though it is still very powerful technique) and you will use the mind's 'energy BEHIND the sword fingers' and you can just 'do it' and not really need any specific form at all.

The world we see now, is like a dream that we try to awaken from. As we master our energy and share our love, we begin to see that we've always been Awake, almost as if we were wearing a pair of fuzzy and distorted glasses and simply took them away from our vision. Being no longer useful, the outdated filters are recycled and traded for perfect clarity that can see everything.

Our journey has been to Awaken ourselves and others be going beyond the filters we have set up about ourselves. As we remove the energy blockages or symbolic symptoms that arise with them, we return our love to the world. In doing so, we Awaken to the REAL world--one which we have never left.

This knowledge goes for everyone. For how could the Whole be Whole without them? How can we possibly complete our Divine ascension into Flawlessness and leave them in the illusions of darkness and separation? Completion means exactly what the word implies. As we learn new things, and teach them to others we in fact teach it's reinforced aspects to ourselves. The student is the teacher as much as the teacher is the student. It's a byproduct of Oneness, what you send out into the world, you are giving and teaching to yourself.

Teach then, that those around you are not imprisoned to a body, for you know you yourself are not. See them as Spirit, capable Wholly of love, for that is what they are--and they will be released from the unconscious guilt of separation--and all of the ego's physical symptoms that arise with it. It matters not, if someone is 'doing something that you don't like' or if 'they are trying to wrong you in some way' change the way you see them in this situation, to seeing them as 'calling for love' rather than 'acting out' --and I guarantee that their behavior will change, almost instantaneously, because you are seeing them as they are, not as how you both thought it appeared to be....

This year as we step beyond our limits, traversing through the door of uncertainty, to Perfect Certainty as we begin to open our Immortal Eyes (energy centers) and see with Love--that we need fear nothing. Because there is nothing to fear. The ego's thought-system of duality and separation has a massive loophole, in that it contradicts itself. What is self-contradictory cannot be real and must be an illusion.
For in Spirit,...if Love is all-encompassing and Eternal and cannot even conceive of limits of any kind; then in ego, fear must be time-bound and unreal. And what is unreal other than an illusory cause--which in itself, cannot have real effects. What is time other than the essence of something temporary that will inevitably change or fall away? The world of form changes around us in it's unreality, but that doesn't mean we must judge it or make it wrong. It is here to be enjoyed and then gone beyond when something even greater comes your way.

Bless you and everyone in all things you do, as you master your energy and transmit this mastery to others--you are adding to the Completion of the Whole. For what you learn and teach in your journey, can only evolve everything around you. If it does not feel right, then forgive it's illusory cause and effects and light it up with your own brand of sunshine.
The Infinite rewards of Spirit cannot be kept from those who would release others--for in that, you yourself are released.

This is the Law of Perfect Oneness, as you see others, you will see yourself. In Buddhism it was taught that you should see everyone around you as Enlightened, that they have something to teach you... How then, could you stay long in dreams of lack, or limit, or darkness or separation--if everyone around you is joined as One in the Infinity of God?

As Buzz Lightyear from Disney's Toy Story would say...
"To Infinity, and Beyond!!"


Last edited by Zakyrus; 02/20/12 02:18 AM.