Hey...no problem at all. I get the spark and am almost 'possessed' to write. Actually, inspired. And what it 'inspired' other than in-spirit?

Like I mentioned before, the Whole cannot be Whole without everyone. Time's limit ticks itself away. This would mean that it is only inevitable before Immortal realization reaches you in some form or another. If you've read any of my other posts, you know that I like to give verbose answers.
I feel that in at least one of my posts, I should mention that my intention is never to "show off" by making myself 'right' just by seemingly having effective answers. I don't make up stuff, or "just to put it out there," thinking it 'might work' for someone else's symbolic error. I would not appear to be here if I did not have a function to Complete. I am here to Awaken--for ALL is ONE, and for One to Awaken...ALL must Awaken as One.

I've mentioned somewhere before that I "have the gift to take knowledge or information that takes very long to learn or understand--and instantly turn it into something EVERYONE can understand quickly." I know Chunyi has this as well(actually we all do)because I feel it in his energy in the videos.

In my intentions and meditations, I have the intent to join with God as One(whom we in fact, never left) I also understand that to truly Master something, you MUST become a teacher of it and aid "someone else" into walking their path towards Mastery and Beyond.

Realizing that in Oneness, the student is the teacher, and the teacher may learn from his student, in fact both ideas were Created from the Unlimited Power of God--and therefore there is no division or 'perceptible way' to see them separate, teacher==student.

Enlightenment/Awakening into Immortality/Revelation of your Source/Evolving to Perfection/Realizing God (or whatever you wish to call it) seemed to be elusive to even the most 'practiced' of minds. It really is not. The most powerful of all things are so simple to understand. It was us that made it seem difficult. Only ego would ever obscure or make complicated. Yet, if we are 'here' discovering 'now,' that Everything is really One--not just hearing everything is One, but UNDERSTANDING and applying it--then we must be ready for it. Because of free will, everything we do is choice. And we have chosen to KNOW.

Yes, in the ego's script of a world, -free will- seems barred. If you make a right at an intersection, everything that will happen from then to the end of time has been determined; same if you go left. HOWEVER, every choice is symbolic--to transcend limit and go home with the Spirit of Wholeness (Holy Spirit) or to make cyclic mistakes and stay 'here' with the ego. With the ego, every choice inevitably leads to death in the end. With Spirit, death and ends have no meaning or purpose, and fall away.

God(not 'male' or female, but all minds as one in Infinity) created EVERYTHING and nothing else. In our Perfection we are as limitless as God, because we make God complete with our Love. It's like the Infinity symbol (an '8' turned sideways) the energy flows both ways and either side makes the other Whole and Complete. This is what books like the bible(before it was horribly distorted and they made Jesus a religious figure--rather than a teacher of Spirit) talked about how the Father and Son are One. What is the Son-ship other than all of us? (by the way, 'God' is not male or female, for those are ideas of opposites, but I will use 'Him' or 'He' symbolically for simplicity's sake)
Yes, church taught that the Father, Son and Holy Spirit are One. But what they failed to teach (probably lost or distorted in translation) is that YOU are One with this. The church taught that you are outside this Oneness and there is naught you can do, but pay them money.

In your Perfect Creation, you were already timeless and instantly became aware of all Eternity(which has no concept of time at all) "Then" from God's Perfect Love, He extended His limitless knowledge of EVERYTHING to you without cost, so you didn't even have to learn it. This description, barely even compares to demonstrate the infinite capacity of God's Perfect Love. He Created you PERFECT in His Image, not as a body, but as an Unlimited Creator, so that you may be Exactly like Him, and Create with Him. Yes, this is abstract it does almost seem crazy, yet you are 'here' are you not? God is abstract because God is Everything--including awareness of itself, however, God is also very easy to understand. Ego is not. Ego would attempt complicate everything, just because it thinks it can.

God's knowledge knows no limits, His Creations are timeless and without boundary, for they are made of Himself--which cannot be contained or blocked or depleted. This is why Spirit energy heals so effectively, because your love is undoing limit(sickness or blockage) either you, or another person thought was there.

Any idea or gift that is not Whole or benefits the all of Reality--is discarded as illusory, and denied and forgotten--for they have no purpose(this is the only proper use of denial by the way). There's no 'garbage bin of bad ideas" they are simply seen as unreal and they are no more.

Symbolic "error"

Somewhere in Eternity, in our Limitless Creation, let's say that we thought of some estranged idea. Whatever it was it was completely innocent. Something like "I wonder what it would be like if I went off on my own....?" What did God do about this idea? Nothing, because it has no purpose--how can there be anything else but everything? How can there even be an "off on my own" if Presence is Unlimited and is Everywhere? But lets say, we--as the Children of God (and oh, how curious we are)--let's say we tried to do it anyways.

Now, in your Unlimited Oneness, you cannot attack(for there is only Yourself--yes there are your Brothers and Sisters in God, but they ARE you, because you are in a state of One-ness), you cannot lack, cannot be deprived or have any limits. You cannot inflict upon yourself, because of what you are--Love. Because you are timeless, all learning is already in your mind, whole and complete.

However, you DO have the Power to symbolically 'play out' "what it would be like". So....In our 'brief moment of madness' of trying to figure out if we can leave or not, it's like we went from Everything, to a black screen with nothing at all.

Because you've put so much power into this idea, you 'temporarily' thought you cannot feel Love or everything else for that matter. You're 'outside' and staring at nothing at all. (you think you are outside, this is why people tell you to "look within") Keep in mind that you NEVER left. You put so much belief in the fact that you thought you could try, that you made it seem real--even though you are playing out a fantasy in your mind.

Because Mind Creates Mind like Itself. The next "thing" that came out of you was, let's call it 'ego' because now you are 'making' (rather than Creating) from a perspective of lack.
To make something, you need something else to form it. To Create is will it, and it instantly appears to you.

Ego doesn't know what you are, (because it's new, it missed out on everything else)...and by the way, since separation can't be real this is ALL symbolic at this point--like you are dreaming this. Now you have perception of something 'separate from you' The ego is an error, that's all. It can't join with Heaven, because it just wouldn't fit in.

You turn your attention to look at God, who now appears separate. Because perception was introduced to replace Knowing, you don't know God, you perceive 'Him.' Before you (because now we have directions) You see a infinitely vast, and terrible power that is beyond your comprehension. In it's Flawless Perfection it sees right through you, it sees no 'ego' at all. (This for us was probably the most embarrassing moment ever, in fact we are still trying to 'overcome it' -- when we sometimes feel embarrassed, it's merely fragments of this)

Because of the simple error you also believe that there is a condition of duality in which a whole plethora of opposites arise. Love and it's counterparts; bliss, joy, thankfulness, serenity, feeling perfectly protected, etc, etc-- now suddenly have opposites, Fear and it's counterparts; anger, attack, hate, depression, feeling persecuted, etc, etc arise. Unlike love--which is joined, fear's counterparts seem to be separate and unrelated to each other. "An effect without a seeming cause" so to speak.

God knows you aren't looking at anything at all, for everything is already with Him. The 'ego' (this 'other' mind) is trying to figure out what you're communicating with. Spirit and ego do not recognize eachother--because everything unreal is denied and forgotten. However, in this strange state, illusion is accepted as truth. Truth and God, suddenly became illusion to you. We thought we lost God and fell into time. A spark of confusion arises. Confusion cannot be limited. If there is even a 'spark' of it it in the mind, it will totally obscure everything. With everything obscured, even so slightly, you have uncertainty. Once you have uncertainty, you cannot know everything.

You explain to God (whom you are terrified to even look at) what is happening. Simultaneously, the ego also hears your answer. Completely jealous, disgusted by what you are and fearful of it's own demise--for if you return home--it will cease to be.
Now the ego is asking you to pick sides. It must convince you, to join with it, rather than join with God.

Keep in mind, that everything written here is symbolic, even these words are an illusion, but there is a certain quality of illusion that you can use to gain understanding of the illusion, and transcend it. Pay great attention to moments of synchronicity where "you know something is going to happen and does & you feel good about being correct" or "thinking about someone and they call you on the phone a few minutes later." These feelings are a doorway Spirit is opening for you. Follow these feelings and bring them into your energy.

"Time Trap"

Back to our symbolic story, and like all symbols, ego paints a picture of a world where you get to be the master of your own destiny and get to make your own life the way you want. It deceives you into thinking you were a slave to God, and if you go with it, you'll be free. It cannot help this, for you see it is God's symbolic opposite.

Interestingly enough, you are still in the Mind of God, whom you never left, and this dream of hypothetical scenarios is happening in your mind. All you have to do is 'go home to God' and it ends. But you are 'caught between worlds' trying to decide; the ego or God. God wants you to return to your Immortality--which you cannot ever lose. ego wants you to die, it wants you to forget, it wants you to be confused or in a state of terror, it doesn't care--these are it's gifts to you--it cannot but help otherwise. To say 'it happens, deal with it' or 'that's life' is to idly let the ego run amok and have control. To react to anger with anger is another expression that you want ego to stay there. Anger is never justified. If they attack with anger, see them as calling out for love, and respond to them calmly, the situation changes pretty quickly when you bring the calmness of Spirit into any matter...

Some people think, when the body dies, that's then end. Others think you go to Hell and suffer forever. These are hacked ego responses thoughtlessly thrown out there to distract the mind. If you consider them, they have no real value or feelings or substance behind them. Do not judge, but use discernment.
What is hell other than repetition? What is repetition other than a cyclic Universe in where the same feelings are played out in different ways day after day after day?

I'm not making the Universe wrong, the Universe is Divine. But we should definitely empty our minds of ideas we think we have about the Universe. We do this by going "into the emptiness" in meditation. Eventually, when the mind has emptied itself of attachments and desires that lead nowhere, and the energy is pure, God will appear directly. Don't seek for this to happen, don't expect it, but it will occur. You will know what it is. How can Certainty NOT be known when it joins with you?

To someone who even slightly thinks they are a body, this is almost an unbearable experience. Not because it is terrifying, but because no pleasure in this world...no small joy the ego can ever offer you, can faintly compare to seeing a brief glimpse of being given Infinite EVERYTHING at absolutely no cost. It is a moment of timelessness, inside time. The greatest sexual pleasure you can feel, is a boringly, dim shadow 'next' to this. There are no words to describe this--how can there be?

If you are starting to get a 'good feeling' when you meditate, and gradually the 'good feeling lasts through you day' stay with it, you're on the right path. If you feel really SUPER GOOD after meditation, don't assume you got 'enlightened' partially or completely...oh no, you'll know when it happens, and it will happen if you let it. How can you not know you've been hit by lightning?

And by the way, you don't have to become like the Buddha things don't have to be going "good" for you to be enlightened. Take a look a Jesus, at the end of his incarnation, you can't really say it was going well. In his case, the ego REALLY wanted to make sure that everybody knew not to dabble around with forgiveness. He wasn't any more 'special' than you are in the sense. As a Child of God, he is your Brother, joined as One in the Son-ship of God. He knew he wasn't "one of these bodies in the dream" but that the whole dream was coming FROM him. He taught that if you practice forgiveness by looking at the world differently, you can be like HIM.

I'm not here to start a religious argument or fiasco. I'm simply here to be only truly helpful in showing you another point of view, that will allow you to transcend "point of views" If it

Because of the tremendous awesome power of God's Presence, we feel absolutely AWFUL for leaving. We don't want this terrible feeling, so we try to hide it. We were in such a frantic state because of this, we forgot that the energy can be dissolved or converted into Love, but instead we tried to bury it--so it sank to the unconscious mind, so we didn't have to deal with it directly. If you bury something, it's still there.

Due to the unconscious guilt associated with the separation, if the body dies, you'll just come right back here. Unless you have TRULY been forgiven or diffused the guilt--by forgiving the world and all it's illusory flaws. It is possible to 'escape from here' if you forgive everything at the time of death--but the best chance you have is to Awaken while you are still functioning. Death is an invention of ego, symbolic of separation. To decide, "I'll die eventually, and it won't matter," is to make death real. To look at your fear of death as unreal, and accept the fact that you are Mind and NOT the body, is to undo death's power. Sure, the body will eventually be laid aside, because it is no longer useful as a learning aid. You will not experience death with the body, because you no longer identify with it. Instead, should the body die, at that instant, Spirit will appear to you and take you home. The guilt of death has been absolved and cannot keep you from God. Spirit will never abandon you (ego would like you to feel otherwise and identify with that) and Spirit's function is to help you do this. All you need do is ask.

As the ego is showing you it's world of unreality, all of the flaws it tried to keep from you, begin to arise. Everything good in this world, every happy scenario, are ALL from God. There is no way the ego could give them to you, because it knows not of what they are. The ego wants to promise exquisite pleasures and pull you on a string and later disappoint you. It won't ever tell you this, while it remains your teacher, of course--for it would have you believe your faults are "your's or someone elses" fault, not egos. And for the most part, ego wants you to project onto someone else. The ego offers devastation. It offers 'eternal life' by 'allowing' you to live and die in endless cycles for countless lifetimes, by number they are like that sands on the seashore or the stars in the sky. Big bang after Big bang, and Big crunch after Big crunch, endless Universes, endless dimensions have passed by in less than an instant. We seem to have been here for what seems like billions of years of time, yet this is just a bubble hovering above a needle's eye.

As you looked at the ego's world, you seemed to fall victim to it. You seemed to become stuck in that system and now you too, appeared to be in a body. The ego's answer of your unconscious guilt was to 'blame something else' --now it's not your fault that you feel empty without God. It's 'that guy who cut me off in the crosswalk's fault' or whatever. In fact, after enough projected blames, you begin to forget about God at all. You still feel a subtle terrible feeling, but no longer remember why. EVERY negative situation is symbolic of this, no exception. Look at it carefully with Spirit and you'll see it's tricks and faults.

For every problem in the world (all problems are symbolic of the initial separation) the ego tries to fix it. It may have a temporary solution that seems promising, but inevitably it will go down the tubes. Even the medical advancements like trying to make the physical body live forever is the ego's answer to death. It wants to keep you here.

Several things with that, there is nothing wrong with medical advancements--because at the time, people symbolically need something that can help them, and medicine is one of the ways the body-mind readily accepts. Secondly, the body is the egos greatest distraction. If you think you are in a body long enough, you start to think you ARE a body. And forget that you are Mind. Also, you can't make a body live forever, because the body never lived, it is YOUR POWER that animates the body. This is why the idea of death is dangerous, not because it is death to the body, because it is symbolically the death of God. (ego's ultimate goal)

Accurately historical things such as the bible become grossly distorted over time, so that in a later incarnation, you don't remember things the same. Jesus wasn't showing people that they are joined with God in the Sonship; all of the sudden he became the 'Son of God' --a separate being to be worshiped. It wasn't US that fell from Heaven, it was "the devil" that did it. ("satan", greek for adversary, literally means ego) We didn't 'leave' paradise as a Spirit, it was God that kicked us out while we're 'bodies'. The ego didn't make the fail world of time and space, it was God. Hell, the idea you are f***ed no matter what you do, is one of egos greatest guilt-trips.

Blame is a continuous theme in ego's world. If you are blaming someone else, you won't look within (into your energy centers) and see there is no reason to blame. Be very careful with 'blame' in fact remove it entirely. Because of Oneness, what you teach others you teach yourself. If you condemn them, you yourself must be condemned. Knowing this, you will begin to see the ego's thought-system symbolically played out literally everywhere you go.

Jesus meant, look within your heart and you will find the Kingdom of God, for it is within you as it is me. Somewhere along the line, it got changed to "invite me into your heart and all of your sins are forgiven" (still not a bad idea, that can aid in the undoing of the idea of sins) However, sins cannot be forgiven because there ARE no sins. The only 'comparison' is error. Sin is the idea that something can NEVER be forgiven, which the ego uses endlessly to distract you here.

Jesus spoke of the parable about the prodigal son. Back in that time, you couldn't open speak out against the temple or it was blasphemy, so they spoke it parables or metaphors.
The Prodigal son was where the son thought he could do better off on his own, took his inheritance and left. After losing everything, he thought his father hated him and could never return. Against his guilt, he went back anyways. The father rushed out to meet him, and welcomed him home. Giving even more to him than he had when he left. Symbolically, Jesus was trying to tell people that this is kind of like what we think we did. Even though we really did nothing and all we need do is return.

The only error we ever made is thinking we could become separate from God. The good news is that because everything real is of God and God is perfect Love, separation IS impossible and everything horrible going on 'out there' in the world, is being symbolically played out in our Mind. God will welcome us back in less than an instant(we just have to recognize Him, to do that, we need to let go of our filters of what we think God is)

Whether we knew it or not, it that brief moment of insanity where we thought we left God, we've been working with Spirit this entire time to restore Ourselves to what we really are. Part of us knows this, the part that doesn't needs to be worked on a bit.

God cannot be mocked or limited. Spirit is all-encompassing and only wishes for you to re-awaken to your limitless joy--where you really are anyways. God's 'answer' to the separation was to extend the Spirit to you for you to reach it(since at the 'time' we are obviously not able to see it, because there is a symbolic world of unreality in our face) There is ONLY God, nothing else is real. However, because we believe we have joined an outside, 'enemy' mind with an alien cause--we have MUCH work to do to purify ourselves back to Wholeness. The good news is that knowing of your origins is one of the last things you encounter in your path to Perfection, if you read this, and it makes sense to you (especially if strong feelings arise) then that's a very, very good sign that you are pretty much almost home.

Ego is Mind. Mind CANNOT EVER, EVER be destroyed once it is created, HOWEVER it can learn. Because learning is an aspect of God. Even though God's learning/teaching is instantaneous and complete, and we are in a 'shattered world' we can use the fragments of learning to learn things just enough to keep us going, after a while we gain mastery and learn quickly.

Ego's insanity is an illusion of hypothetical scenarios. Remembering that, and forgiving it, we return the energy back to what it really is--Love. No, Ego doesn't 'die' nor 'go to paradise' with us, it could never fit it. But as ego is forgiven, it is translated back into pure Spirit--which IS allowed in. When this world is over, no one will remember this nor would they want to, because that would keep comparison real. Ego should not be interacted with when it arises, just forgive it, or forgive yourself or others for thinking erratically.

No it's not nice when someone shoots someone else, or blows up a building. But ego inspires these so we blame them and hold them there (giving them a past) so more terrible things will cycle in the 'future'. There is only now. and now's there is now. Use this now, to set yourself and your Brothers and Sisters free--knowing that God cannot be contained.

Religions aren't necessarily 'wrong' --because they help some people at their level of knowing at the time. Don't worry about where someone else is at, forgive them for how/what they think they are. We left as One, we will Awake as One. Even if you awaken NOW and 'they' awaken 2000 years from today makes no difference, because we all awaken to the same timeless moment--the final 'moment' of time, where time's final lesson is revealed all knowledge is restored. Once time is done, and you have brought yourself (back) to a state of Completion, God will take the "final step" and the world you thought was, will no longer be. You will not lose your individuality(as the ego thinks), nor will you lose your Brother or friends..you all have so much, so much more to gain from this.

This is what is means when God will wipe away every tear. In God, knowledge of tears is meaningless. Everyone is already there waiting. No-one can be forever kept out of what is rightfully theirs. All you need do is join them, by aligning your will with God's.

What gifts you give, you also receive.
The ego offers you death as it's gift to share with the world.
Yours is the Unlimited Power of God--which would you have? For only One of those can ever be real.

There will be no "great judgement of God" for that was egos idea to keep people afraid and guilty so it would perpetuate it's own thought-system. If God were the Highest Court, He would completely dismiss the ego's case against you. There can be no case against a Child of God, for what is already Perfect cannot sin. You may be able to "hypothetically" create error, but it's effects could never be real or lasting. It was over in an instant. Now we have to realize and accept that. That's all.

Energy balancing systems like Qi-Gong, Yoga, etc restore your energy balance and help you return to the Light. Spiritual practices that are non-dualistic such as: Bhuddism, Doaism, Jewish Mysticism, Shamanism, or even more recently "A Course in Miracles" (a VERY, VERY good read by the way--go download the digital copy, I warn you, it's 1700+ pages, a large read!); are very helpful for 'keeping you on track'.

The ego wants you to circle back to where you where, the Spirit only wants "ascend." With the ego (or even just yourself) as your teacher you will only fail. Symbolically, you cannot do this on your own, because going on your own is what got you here. Don't think you've learned enough to finish the rest on your own. Mastery doesn't work like that. We join at the level of the mind--and ask that we join our Spirits energy, with our energy and with our Master's energy. This is how you gain Mastery, by joining, not be 'doing it on your own'

With the Spirit(and loved ones, etc) as your teacher/guide you will be on a dazzling path of wonders and the nightmare will turn into a blissful dream before you awaken in God. At first, your path might be turned upside-down as you revert from ego, that's ok, it was upside-down before, now you're correcting it with Spirit. It might get a little crazy, these are the egos withering attacks, soon it won't even be noticed.

The hardest part was already over. You made it here. Now you know what everything is for and you must do. Yes, it may take 'time' to get back, and some bizarre things may happen along the way. Don't be in a rush, time is an illusory limit, your true Self knows none. Enjoy this "place." Use this 'time' to spread the message of Good News and Love as it was originally intended. With technology, things can be communication directly without distortion. No longer will this information 'become' a religion to keep a system going or just 'to make money' God offers you Unlimited freedom from all that you think would enslave you. (Don't tell the churches I told you this, they'll run me down after going out of business--just kidding, no reason to judge or fear, but one *can* joke around)

With the advancements in technology we now have a great mix in cultures without even having to leave home. Learn as much as you can, with the intention to expand endlessly, sharing your insights as you go--and you will go further still.

God is Perfect Love. This is what you are--how can it be any other way? By definitions; if time is limited, we have to learn things, we have to grow, we have to work, we have to evolve. Then in Eternity, limits are unknown and utterly meaningless, we are already Perfect, no need to grow or learn or evolve, no need to fix or repair anything.

Love, forgiveness and kindness really do go along way. The ego would have you believe these are a source of weakness.

Spirit knows that these are of a Limitless Source. Forgiveness and kindness will be translated back to Love when healing is no longer needed. With Love in your heart shining outwards as you look within, how can you ever go wrong? Love is the Eternal Always. THIS is the Nirvana, practitioners seek. Time is unreal. There is only now. Use now to awaken to Eternity. In your meditation, visualize that you grasp the "hand" of the Holy Spirit and ask for it to lead you back to Completion and Perfect Oneness. You can't go wrong.

All that remains is to be with God and Create Unlimited Wonders for the Whole of Eternity. What else could you ask for but this?


Last edited by Zakyrus; 02/20/12 10:19 AM.