'typically' the back channel (Yang) goes down from dan tien and around to the tailbone, up the back, over the head and reaches the forehead 'third eye energy point'. While it travels down, when it reaches the 'bottom of the torso' the denser energy, travels down into the earth (through Kidney 1 point in your feet) and exchanges with Earth and then the energy rides back up to the tailbone and continues going up the spine.

This happens instantaneously, like lightning or 'electric-nerve energy' you don't have to visualize this for it to happen. However, later on in practice you will probably notice this happen when you don't have to think about 'am I standing/moving correctly, etc. You'll notice it most powerfully when your 'thinking mind is on the dan tien' and your 'energy mind' is feeling the energy/visualizing the energy moving. Don't try to concentrate the electric flow of course, but it will happen, and I simply put it here so you can see the mechanics behind it.

As it travels through the Yang route...your Qi's Essence is also purified 'during the entire ride up' and most notably at the 'heart area' of the spine--and completed at the 'third eye'. At this point it's frequency is transmuted from 'Qi' to 'Shen' (which is Spirit, or a 'higher vibration' of Qi. As it gently crosses over the top the head, it exchanges 'Shen' with even higher vibrations as well as extra-dimensional sources (a "small portion" of your energy is 'sent out into the cosmos and beyond' and you also receive information).

The Spiritual Qi travels the 'short path' from the forehead down to the dan tien (tongue being the switch) and it purifies the remaining Qi in your center, getting ready to sink the lower vibrational energies with the Earth. (Don't worry, Earth knows what to do with it--and does make use of it)

However, the energy actually travels in a 'reverse path' simultaneously as well. This path works on the 'Chakras' or energy centers, more than 'physical points' --yet either direction works on and opens both. With the 'abdominal breath' your energy flows 'dominantly' through the Yang path first (down and around) and with the 'reverse abdominal breath' your centers open faster--but for the most part the reverse breath is considered better for QiGong overall--hence we use it in SFQ. The 'normal breath' is still good however, if you are still getting used to the practice.

That's just some of the 'technical details' for the purpose of taking a peek at what's going on with that...let's get into some practical applications.

For simplistic purposes, focus on the dan tien with your 'grasping mind' one way to do this is sink your mind down into it, if you wish you can focus on the Sacral 'chakra point' (the flat bone where your waist begins, only the inside of it) It 'could be' considered the 'physical' spine point of the dan tien.

Then in your visualization allow the energy column to simply run 'up and down' I like to use a 'beam of light' that goes both ways...if you want, you can mentally visualize the circular path. Keep it simple though... I usually make 'mine' as thick as the front of the body is to my spine, then equally as wide.

I mentioned before, though I find that too visualization much at first distracts from the dan tien--which is the primary focus of the conscious mind. We gently put our 'thinking or grasping mind' here not only to activate the point, but to keep our energy in one point and we return it here when distracting thoughts occur. So, most of my 'focus' on the dan tien, and the 'remainder' is visualizing the energy column.

"Also in the walking exercise the Yin and Yang circle is being formed by moving of the hands. If the Yin and Yin go up and down how would that be represented in side by side movements?"

I actually haven't 'seen this' (so Shawn or someone else will provide more input) but I could imagine it would be a lot like BaGua circle walking--which is used to tune the mind to circular flow.

In that, the waist twists (still focus on dan tien) but that 'physical' 'sacrum point' I mentioned earlier is activated by twisting, which has tremendous energy applications to it. Twist a piece of metal like a paper clip a few times, and notice how hot it gets. Well, where does that intense heat come from other than the twist? When you get into Level 2, the exercise 'Cloud Hands' (stationary--but the way you move slightly twists the waist)

"Also in the first exercise 'energy breathing', it's explained as the Yin being the upper body and Yang the lower body. It's a little confusing to get the picture of where the channels are, and how we access those channels. I would appreciate some clarity on this."

Your chakras or centers, are vibrational based. Your base (at the base of the spine) has to do with physicality, survival, sex, etc...as you go upwards you get into the higher vibrational frequencies...for instance the heart, you, must posses great, selfless love to be able fully open it. The 'third eye' (Awareness of the Infinite) is connected strongly with the heart...though until the third eye is open, the 'top of the head' (Awareness to the Universal) can be used. Each of these centers could almost be thought of as a 'extra-dimensional vibrational level' of Self-expression.

Physical is considered more 'Yang' (but has some Yin in it)--it's 'external', obvious, and "loud" and Ethereal or Astral is more 'Yin' (but has some Yang in it)-- it's 'internal', (extremely) subtle, and "quiet".

As for the channels, there are '20'
The Twelve Main ones: heart, sm. intestine, bladder, kidneys, "triple heater" (which generally acts upon the whole body), liver, gall bladder, lungs, lg. intestine, stomach, and spleen.

8 extras, which include the two large channels Du Mai & Ren Mai, and Ren Mai (Front and Back)

Here's a site, that's got some more useful info...(checked it out, it's legit--most are, but some of those sites...I swear. >.>


For the most part, don't worry about "thinking about" the channels, for that causes tension, but if you 'feel' the channels while consciously thinking on dan tien, it'll have some good results.

Hope that helps!