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Joined: Mar 2007
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Zakyrus Offline OP
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Joined: Mar 2007
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"What is KNOWLEDGE?"

The Guide to Enlightenment, Ultimate Evolution, Revelation of Your Immortality & Awakening beyond the Dream by Knowing Your Perfect Oneness with God.

I'm trying to free your mind, Neo. I can only show you the door. You're the one that has to walk through it. -Morpheus, from the motion picture The Matrix

The purpose of this information presented is to remind you of Who You Are. Your worth is absolutely Beyond Measure.

Disclaimer: Your life may sink into hell when you first begin The Path. That's okay, it was probably hell before you made the decision to correct it. All you are doing is reversing error's thought-system and returning to Knowledge. We made it hell for what we thought was a damn good reason. And in avoiding hell, we sank further into it. The absolute Truth "they" wouldn't want you to know, is that when you willingly plunge into hell and no longer resist it "as energy", it de-materialises. Face your demons with the Full Armor of God, and you will see that you have in fact, only been fighting yourself.

If you feel this is not for you, back out of this page. Yet if you feel you are ready for a philosophical "view" of love, forgiveness and kindness...then take a peek. I write view with quotations, because I'm not here to force anything down your Throat Chakra. You read this by your own choice, and interpret according to your own viewpoints. This text could be reduced down to one word, Love. Yet, sometimes we need a few reminders of what we Are. However, Source which is beyond perception and transcends all viewpoints having no need for them, we who appear to be flawed need them as a learning aid to Return to "That Which is *Beyond* All Learning."

In Existence, I've been gifted to be able to take what was complicated and obscure which seemed to take decades or longer to learn for many and transform it into something simple and practical that any layperson can understand and use. We all have this gift at different times, and sure, I get pretty verbose sometimes and might use 'complex' words for some, but that's why we have online dictionaries. I'm not here to 'make you feel stupid' but rather show you that you really possess MUCH more than you ever thought you did.

For many years, I physically became a hermit and kept to myself, I didn't really work or care to advance any careers. It took quite some time to fully assess what I had experienced. People worried about me. I kept telling them not too, yet they did anyways. Of course they would, "usually" somebody worries when someone tells them "not to worry." However, I arose like a Phoenix, renewed and restored. Still "getting there", but I don't worry about it. I'm so grateful for being able to share this with you.

Interestingly enough, after I acquired and integrated this information from "Internal Sources" and many mind-blowing experiences. I did some research and I have come to understand that not only have other people worked on this...but there's quite a few people have Mastered it. This isn't 'new' information I give you, the concepts here are older than time, Hindus, Buddhists, Taoists, Mystics, Quantum Physicists and even many Yoga and Qi Masters--would all agree in this document's validity. Okay, okay...maybe "half" of them would agree, there's duality for you (pun, for once, not intended)

People would ask me, what is your intent with "this"? What do you want out of it? To simplify, to show you what you how Divine your Essence Truly *is* and will always be. ...and allow you the opportunity to restore Your Perfect Oneness with the NAMELESS ABSOLUTE. What do I 'get'? I don't think that matters for 'me' anymore...I really don't worry, I just go with where 'I am needed at the time' and I travel content, knowing Spirit goes there with me.

A message to those that choose to identify with ego
Illusions on a stage are only effective if the observer pays attention to them, cease to react and they have no power and fall away. This method of looking at their images, is not 'pretending there is not a problem' nor is it foolish is a 'form' of quantum observation, a way of looking at the world, which undoes the world's illusory limits.

Quantum Physics states you will go beyond, Spirituality says it already happened! This is pretty cool! Let's get started, and what you need to Know to Complete what has already been Done. The course has been set, the Journey is to the Self, the application is to restore Your Being...and in doing so, your Love will align with...many, many, MANY Worlds...

The Good stuff

This 'document' and the Knowledge was Revealed to me from what people would consider 'other-worldly' or even 'extra-dimensional' Sources during a intense period of "letting go". There are various 'views' which identify with ego that would assure with hasty judgement that this is complete nonsense, insane dabbled-beliefs or even some other form of self-deceit or even brainwash. I have forgiven ego, and it's crazy 'weirdness' and present this for you to be able to use this information in a loving, meaningful and purposeful manner. It may or may not be 'new' to you, or the parts of it that are have symbolically appeared in other sources or events in your life as 'synchronicity.' I'm not forcing this down your throat, you chose to read this. You are reading this in one of three states, in some form of (negativity or doubt) a neutral state or positive one. Negativity is counter-productive, cyclic and can result in attempt to re-reinforce mental filters. Positive states such as being loving are productive because you are in 'the flow' to upgrade, integrate or process new information and let go of "old". Neutrality is also productive in the sense that you are not judging the contents you see, even though you may or may not fully choose to establish value upon the information you interact with--you are open to the possibility of accepting value at 'some other point'. If it were to be truly meaningful, then at some other 'NOW' synchronicity would arise in the form of a lesson, to show you "hey, this *is* useful and important"

As mentioned already, some might 'attempt' to disregard or attack this information. Obviously, it has Great Power to it, why else would they try to limit the Unlimited? I do not equate with selfish ego states, and I do not choose to 'attack' "those in control". Sure, I might've some lessons that remain at the time of this writing, but I know that they were all Accomplished, because of the Perfect Trust given to me to ensure their Completion. I know I have reached Completion because of the Perfect Trust given for you to Complete Yours. I'm not your "spirit guide", just... 'something else'... I don't bring this into the "mainstream" world, not out of fear or anything like that. I don't need to, if you are choosing to read this, it's because you are meant to, you see Value in it, and choose to explore the application of Knowledge. Energy is an application of Knowledge, and Knowledge knows no limits, for it 'doesn't need to do anything'. Total Awareness of Knowledge is to join with a boundless state of Heaven, or Nirvana because the "Total Awareness of Knowledge" implies Limitless application--this leads to a state of Immortality. How could it not? Only "perception" or energy labeled as 'belief' has boundaries to it. The 'symbolic lack' or 'bad things' that arise "out there" "in the world" experienced is a means to merely remind you that you have chosen to act without Love's Presence and Spirit lovingly asks you to choose again. I do not wish vengeance upon ego or that which is unreal. I only choose to send Love to the (very real) souls who may mistakenly identify with it's false promises.

Ask yourself without judgement...but with great it insane to throw away the potential for Limitless Knowledge and can One Totality (Infinity as One Mind) be divided? If EVERYTHING is Mind, and even science has proved that is--wouldn't then your Revelation of your Immortality be only a "matter of time", as time's limit ticks itself away? 'ego' or even the self that chooses to 'side' with it, is symbolically like a costume that we decide to wear, play with for a while and eventually put away. As the Soul progresses in it's exploration of Divine Self-Expression, it plays different tunes, characters, emotions, vibrations and feelings at seemingly different times. As learning reaches to Completion, different lessons appear to teach us aspects of Ourselves.

To choose the same lessons, the wear the same costumes, or to play the same tunes all of the time, gets dull. The lessons become circular, the costume wears out or the tune becomes bland. Change is 'good' in a sense, while being useful as a learning aid. Yet, when learning is Complete, and all lessons in time are done, time's final lesson is revealed and Total Enlightenment and Awareness Perfectly Understood. In other words, Spirit's Final Lesson for Everyone, is saved for when time is done...This is 'why' you can 'perceive' other dimensions, yet "the beginning and end" (which are the same) are unknown to you at "this time". This Goal of Remembrance would seem as if it would take an uncountable duration to accomplish. By yourself, a way. Yet, all are Minds are of One Totality, One Infinity--Perfect Love cannot leave Itself out. The Spirit of Wholeness (Holy Spirit) decided with all 'lesser' minds and determined when each were to Awaken to Revelation and to Eternity. This includes all of the paradoxically and near-infinite dimensions of limited time. Separation cannot be totally infinite because Eternity is Always, and time variables a bubble--huge in perception, but to Vision, very tiny. As 'others' learn their lessons of Love and we learn ours, we Complete each-other in sharing our joy, Spirit 'collapses' the time around us removing the harder lessons we no longer need to learn, we don't even really 'see' it, we just keep flowing.

If you're thinking "there's nobody else 'out there' I'm just in a super-massive 'Hall of Mirrors' and they are just other 'me(s)' " you're probably correct --use that as your lesson in Unconditional Love, it'll be easy, you love everyone equally. Paradoxically speaking, if we were symbolically 'separate' then implies that each soul's knowledge "out there" make up a part of a Greater Whole. As one 'smaller mind' completes their lessons, we add to the Completion of the Whole Lesson. The Whole cannot be Whole without Everyone--including the 'darker souls'. It comes down to love or fear. Fear being based from perceptions 'what you thought it was' or not wanting to let go (thus choosing same lesson in the "future") Love being in the 'flow' or the 'zone' The kind you need to have is Unconditional--loving everyone equally, not caring about 'this' or 'that. Every choice inevitably leads to Enlightenment in one way or another, yet would you choose to substitute Completion by extending it by 'seeing' far away or 'that time then'? There is only Now. There is Now, now is now, and now there's now. What's the problem? Who cares about two now(s) ago, because there is NOW. This Now, is ALL Nows. Now there is NOW.

Love cannot be lost or 'stolen' Love is what you are. This cannot be 'taught' especially in the form of words. Words fail, for they are based on symbolically separated characters--those that usually represent something else in comparison. Yes, symbols *can* assist you in ~activation~ yet- what I speak of is BEYOND anything that can be 'told or talked about' yet the individual can experience it through learning. The word 'love' in itself is doesn't do much, as I mentioned words are symbols. However, the Eternal *essence* the word implies is not symbolic. For what is Real cannot be symbolic and *must* be Knowledge. For symbols (as I just mentioned) are used as a substitute for something else. There is no substitute for the Eternal. Symbols can point the way, and 'lessons' can return us to The Path, but there cannot be a "substitute" for Oneness, or anything less than Totality. Infinity * Infinity = Infinity. Totality divided by (any number) still = Totality. Separation is for 'educational purposes only' a 'medium' of Self-Expression--(almost like "Spiritual Virtual Reality" a game, but not), ...but then Mind must 'return'. This isn't really a game, more like a dream, yet a dream and normal waking states can be compared to one-another--yet both need each-other to describe what 'the other is'. Oneness is the one exception, the opposite to Everything is Nothing. Nothing is impossible with God, because with Everything there cannot be a lack, or 'nothing.' For in order to "leave" the Oneness of Reality to experience Illusion or 'Maya', or "other than Reality" then a return must be have been done. Electric flow doesn't work without a complete circuit, and once outside of Oneness, your energy behaves more like electric form of light, rather than Infinite Light. Outside of Perfect Certainty, it gets pretty weird, yet part of you deep within is still Wholly Sure. In order to 'power an appliance' the energy must travel in a flow. 'energy' In Oneness, *essence* (energy beyond separate) does not 'flow' in a "circular sense" like energy does 'here' because 'there' "you" never left--it "behaves" in manner unlike anything seen with the body's eyes. This is Origin. You can reroute the flow of The Path and procrastinate endlessly, but You cannot be 'lost' forever. Time being the 4th Dimension, "Choice" would be 'symbolic' of the 5th. Another form of jargon "out there" is the Matrix 5.0 concept, which aligns with the 5th Dimensional Reality.

Some might cry "lunacy!", but consider this:
With no one looking upon separation, how could the state continue to exist? "A tree falls in the forest, and there's none around to see it..." becomes paradoxical, because for something to happen, there must be an observer to see it. Yet, the metaphor also becomes paradoxical, because without an observer, there cannot be 'something to observe' This is in Quantum Mechanics, also taught in Philosophy as well as many Spiritual Teachings. No two observers see the same forest, even if side by side. Each has their own experiences and levels of perception when traversing the forest, which affects how they interpret the information. To go further, let's say, nobody looks at a forest for years, yet they return and while they were gone, trees have fallen and new life has entered as the forest renewed itself. In this metaphor we will "set aside" the living plant cells in the forest and creatures in the forest, which *are* observers. Not counting the 'forest's observers' ...where then, is THE observer looking upon the forest which ensures the continuity of the forest's existence, so that there will be a forest when somebody decides to travel there? Look at an object and notice that you are looking at it.(This object could be a mental, physical or emotional, etc) The energy object arises with your observation, notice you are observing it and you are observing an observer. Mind arises with Energy in order to 'animate' the world before your eyes. Try to find the observer doing the observing of the observer. What happens? smile You start to get an idea of how powerful this can be.

It doesn't work with the intent to "attack" or limit others. Spirit works on a level that helps everyone, sure some of the lessons we get seem very odd indeed, but you cant "attack" someone else with energy without it coming back to you in a circle. An appliance uses the electricity, it changes from +/- and returns to the power plant going through many channels and as it goes back to it's source. The power plant (if were sentient) wouldn't know that appliance differently from any other. If it were an attack, "it wouldn't know" either. And it's state has changed +/-, so it wouldn't be aware of it's "origins" and 'why'. It would be like being nasty to someone, and later something horrible happens and the typical question is "why did that have to happen?!" yet it was actually their *own* energy, (traversing the human medium) and returning to them as what they sent out. (Karma) There are other measures in place to ensure ego doesn't use this negatively. Nobody else could ever use this info. to hurt you. That's just silly. Don't worry about past things you've "sent out" it's already over. Just don't send anything now, be loving. Forgive others when something happens. This is a good chance to 'move up' Something "bad" happens don't 'assume' it's you, we help each-other, sometimes negativity jumps in many circles from person to person like a ball, until someone decides "uh no, I'm not putting that out there, we've already tried that, now let's try that Unconditional Love", see? by being loving you help everyone and the world you experience resonates with a better frequency, because eventually your own frequency (and others) will go "higher" up the 'dimensional ladder' Don't worry about "ego threats" or put energy into them, gently forgive them with Spirit because 3D/4D is dualistic, but remember Love is always on a Higher resonance. Just let these go. Set down your burden, it's over, just like that. After all it's just energy. ""they"" have tried to stop my progression, and I forgive them for that but it really came down to my "own mental programs" and not really 'someone else' trying to 'get me' through my head. Willpower is the 3rd "Chakra" Solar Plexus, you can manifest worldly accomplishments here, but the next up is the 4th "Chakra" heart, and it encompasses a great repertoire of energy accomplishments. You usually have to ask a high and loving Spirit Guide to assist you in completely opening this Center.

You can choose to make seemingly endless observers, that observe observers. They arise from the Emptiness with Energy (Emptiness that's condensed into a charged particle) and both inevitably fall back into it. What is changeable is not "real" in the Ultimate 'sense', so there must be some"thing" in you that is watching these observing observers, that arise with their energies.

Somewhere beyond the observer/energy(Emptiness), is an unchangeable Watcher or Witness--the stems from Wholeness. The ego doesn't like this state it can't figure it out and that might scare ego. You can't "figure out" Reality with conscious intellectual 'thinking' in the sense, but you can Know it. People repeatedly ask me if I'm even real, simply because I am aware of this state, yet they feel really calm around me.

I don't appear as a master or claim to be one in this dimension, my physical body extremely healthy, even though my teeth (at the time of this writing) are a mess. That's okay with me, it's one of my lessons I chose, it'll get taken care of in some form. Had I known better "at the time" I would've chosen differently. There are others who have Achieved this, for example Sri Ramana Maharshi, back in India became afraid of death, he was so convinced he was going to die that he "acted it out" in meditation, resulting in his ego totally shattering. Afterwards he wandered around, didn't care if insects were eating him up, or care what he looked like, his teeth and hair started to fall out. He was in such a constant state of Divine that his body didn't matter to him. He gave off a very positive vibe that people came to see him from all over and he would tell them all about their lives. There are many other people that have attained states like this. I don't really see "other people's lives" (as we appear to have different skills) in my case, one of mine is that I feel their energy and problem, and (with Spirit) offer a solution that best subscribes to their current level of understanding. I do this because it helps "me" as much as "you", it's not easy when you feel the chaos of the entire world as if it's your own. And no, I'm not implying your form will fall apart like Ramana's did, rather suggesting the unreality of the body in comparison to the Divine. When you Know the Divine, you don't care about your body so much, it's not you. No, don't go hurt yourself, your body (or anything else changeable) is made of separation's error in a sense, but as a learning aid it IS Divine.

I am beyond this world. So are you. Knowledge is Eternal, it can't be 'lost' but you can choose to layer illusions over Knowledge in an attempt to experiment with states of consciousness. Paradoxically you 'forget' when this happens, thus requiring you to learn. Learning is 'gaining' in the sense that it's really "letting go" How many times have you "let go" of ideas as you adapted new ones (again and again) until ~Understanding~ was gained? When totally Understood, you looked back and saw how silly some of your ideas were, but also recognized that they aided you in the application of learning. That's what I'm saying. We learn, until learning is Complete. I can't explain how to "Know" What You Are, those who Know, Know. But as I have said before, there are ways of removing the layers that distract the awareness from Knowledge. The information I present here, is just one of the countless possible ways to Reclaim Your Inheritance--that which is Already Complete.

If you look into a mirror and look days, weeks, etc later then you can see that you've changed and 'had all these adventures' but there's an unchangeable energy beyond the changeable you can sense. In meditation, and after going through the (possibly) countless "just weird or even spooky" visuals that you get, you start to gain a connection with this Changeless state. You could have "past-life regressions arise", bizarre beings, "scary beings" or light-beings, ...who knows? Don't be afraid of them or be afraid to look into you 'darker side' I apologize if you get totally spooked doing this or weird states like "half of me has gone 'coo-coo', but the other half(heart) knows I'm not". Going to the Higher Levels sometimes requires serious dedication/meditation, you should remember Spirit is with you even if you paradoxically forget (and you can always ask your Internal Guides for assistance) This also comes down to how many programs you think you made, some people are 'born' nearly Enlightened and adapt to strange behavioral patterns while they grow up, only having to undo them later. No you don't have to forgive all of your old memories, but you can if they arise. You're only forgiving one thing, this whole time: "separation" all the 'other stuff' is merely symbolic of that one error. "Now" is the accumulation of your Reclaimed Knowledge. Don't look back at the past, or concern yourself with possible futures. Now is where you'll find Understanding, Now is where you'll find Completion.

"To Infinity and Beyond!!"
We may 'appeared' to be living in a chaotic world, desperately in need of healing and full of corruption--yet 'corruption' appears as a symbolic *reminder* or lesson for the self, that it is merely unreal and we (paradoxically) chose to forget our Divine Inheritance.

You can read people's 'stories' about experiences like Out-of-Body or near-death experiences, and it sounds pretty cool, in fact Awesome,(the negative ones are reminders/lessons on their part) but hearing about Reality won't make anybody permanently happy, only Direct Experience will. People usually pray or meditate to God asking for this or that. God already knows what you really need(which is to Remember your Oneness with Creation, and to Create). Why not instead, meditate upon joining *with* God and sharing your Love and thanks. It will be a most Heavenly experience. Then the problems in your life, (which are symbolic of the thought of 'separation' or of lack of "Divine Presence") will somehow be corrected, strangely, not as you expected them to be, but another way usually a subtle, less obvious way--often it will be Divine Inspiration about 'what you should do' --usually it helps someone else also (remember, we help each-other). Don't go to God by "being loving and expecting an answer", if you have that attitude you'll miss the Harmonics.

God's response in this 'plane' is subtle, formless and appears as inspiration or good feelings. God doesn't speak language of separation, yes you are 'of God' and can become a Teacher of God or a channel for the Holy Spirit as a beacon to others. At some point, you *have* to become a Teacher, if you want to go to the Highest "Levels" (in which there are no Levels). Remember, in Oneness, the Teacher is the Student, as well. We are each-others Teachers just as much as we are the Student. Be a good Student and Teacher. Holy Spirit can answer in a 'language' you can understand, but it's always lovingly and uses your own terminology. You might get some 'ego' arguments as Holy Spirit "speaks through you". ...or paradoxically things like "I am the Holy Spirit, do this or that..." (check your emotions, that's what they are there for, silly) If you're Third Eye is partially open you'll get the 'little sparks of light' their color, brightness, intensity and purity represent the quality of the information. I've seen 'dark, murky sparks' of light when negative ideas arose, as I made the intent to purify the stem of it's origin, the 'light' changed to a brilliant clear.

Don't worry about "if you're doing it right" if you are peaceful within. Are you standing as firm as a mountain or unbalanced on the shifting sands of time? And you can appear to be unbalanced in certain aspects as you have mastered balance in other areas, you can use what you Know, to help you correct the unbalanced--eventually you will achieve Perfect Balance one way or another. Just don't worry how you'll "get there" (remember there is only Now) Don't worry about The Way, you ARE The Way. We choose our lessons "as we go" there are no "tests" thrown at you. There are only lessons you choose to learn as we step towards Unity. If you've done "something hurtful" to yourself or others, let it go, it was your choice to act destructively, this is your lucky break. Use it as your lesson and move beyond. If it 'comes back' in your mind, then you are still 'financing it' with your energy. Break the contract. I can use so many metaphors...but these are merely ideas that lead beyond the need for ideas. We all get to Unity by Knowing we never left, in so, the ideas that we have and the symbolic problems that arise with fade away into the Void that was never really there. However, we only "see" this tiny slice of time/space, and Spirit collapses or dissolved the time-streams of lessons you no longer need, until the Final Lesson is revealed. Be joyous as you work towards the end for the need of time. If you are reading this, there is a good reason for it. Use it to be more loving, in so, you'll manifest True Abundance, "non-physical" gifts, even in the physical world.

Your Oneness with Creation is Reality, You are a Creator, your Creation given by Source is Divine Extension, a Wholly (Holy) Expression of It's Own Will. You are Creation of Love, Imbued with the Power to Create. As you Create, you Extend Creation, and therefore increase Love and Existence becomes exponentially Greater every "moment". Combine every wonderful, blissful, loving, joyous feeling, knowing you are limitless and any symbolic opposites are totally unknown and meaningless to you. Now, multiply this by countless worlds, all minds joined as ONE--sharing this exponentially wonderfully expanding awesome indescribable feeling of Divine Ecstasy. Until your Full Awakening, you cannot "fully know" this, yet when you have Visions of it, your mind is totally blown and feels like your ego went into a blender that's on a Tilt-a-Whirl. God's Greatest Gifts are Limitless Love and All Knowledge Whole and Complete without division, flaw, error, or end. For the Eternal have no beginnings and know no ends. A trillion universes are as a grain of sand to God, infinitesimal, yet still part of the Whole. Yet, Creation remains One, Infinite and Immortal in it's Eternal Awareness. Words fail to describe in the Presence of "All that IS" NAMELESS ABSOLUTE, Prime Creator. We go on forever with God, our Love extends forever. Our Goal on The Path of Now, should never be any less than this. And you need 'now' to Complete (the symbolic word for) "kNOWledge"

~May Love and Light lead you to the One who Creates Mastery with Flawless Perfection.
...and I'll see ya' in Infinity! Ya' can count on that! smile


Joined: Jun 2010
Posts: 136

Joined: Jun 2010
Posts: 136
Hi Zakyrus! I meant to reply sooner but, didn't get the chance. However, when I read your passage I was blown away by it. I thought it was very good, I LIKED IT VERY MUCH! There is a lot to read but they are all relevant. What I did I copied & pasted the passage & saved it on my laptop. More interestingly I want tell you about 2 books, 1 I'm currently reading & 1 I've read already. They are: Time Storms by Jenny Randles & The Labarynth of Time by Anthony Peake - both FANTASTIC BOOKS; there's a lot about Quantum Physics (& there's other interesting stuff too). These books would certainly be of interest for you. Take Care! GUILLAUME.

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