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Hi Koco,
I am new to the forums here. I have been using both Paraliminals and also the Holosync program for about a year and a half now. I am a grateful believer in Our Lord Jesus Christ. I feel that both Holosync and Paul Scheele's Paraliminal and Sonic Access programs have tremendously enhanced my walk with the Lord and have drawn me closer to Him. I also had some reservations at first and prayed extensively about it.
Some of the answers I received let me become more comfortable with relying on these learning tools. That is what they are; learning tools that help us.

Be still and know that I am God. Ps 46:10 NLT

That being still part is so hard sometimes isn't it? I feel that is what these tools help us achieve. Because of these programs, I have learned how to achieve a relaxed, still, meditative prayerful state in almost any sort of situation. This comes especially in handy because I compete in horse shows and used to have terrible panic performance anxiety which would cause me to lose the competition before I ever even set foot in the arena. All that is gone now. I crave the chance to fulfill The Lord's purpose for me, which includes being a champion in my chosen sport so that I can be an example for others to follow, displaying good sportsmanship and encouragement towards others. The paraliminals and the holosync really helped me heal the limiting beliefs I had that were roadblocks in this path.

I read in your other post about your reservations having to do with the paraliminals perhaps making you less reliant on The Lord. I don't think you have to worry about that. You can structure your prayerful meditation any way you want. Let it help you become MORE dependent on Him!

That is the other change I have really noticed in my life. With practice, I have gotten very good at the visualization part of meditation, in the sonic access and also now in the Effortless Success course I purchased recently. I can visualize much better so I always get symbols. I then pray about the meaning and when I'm still in my heart then The Lord reveals the meaning. My most recent one, while in Jack Canfield's Life Purpose meditation, was very clear. The light being was an angel. He handed me a box and in the box was a heart. Not a gross heart more like a heart symbol, but it was alive and warm and vibrant. I also got very clear images of a green pasture and many flowers blooming and opening as in a time lapse movie. I asked the meaning and I got one word, huge... TRUST. I must trust Him even more fully and know that He will complete the work He started.

I pray that you find the answers you are looking for to heal the limiting beliefs you are trying to heal.

Another thing, I found, mostly when using Holosync, but sometimes also after praliminals, is that I would have very vivid and sometimes disturbing dreams. Sometimes the meanings became clear in time. Some of the dreams gave me ah-ha moments as you called them.
Other times, they were random type dreams but were disturbing because in them I would be doing things I would never actually want to do (like stealing or going on a date with another man (I'm married and I love my husband very much)) or acting in ways I would never want to act. (some of them were me fighting with my teenage son and getting very angry and yelling/cussing and even hitting him). I don't know much about what to make of these other than they are just my mind processing "junk." We are human and we have a sinful nature. I think the fact that I woke up from these dreams going oh man I never want to be THAT person! means it was me becoming conscious of the fact that we are always vulnerable to attack by the Enemy and must always be on guard. Being on guard means being aware and still enough in our mind to be able to listen to the voice of the Spirit. I pray that with the tools available to us, including paraliminals, attaining that stillness and presence of mind is possible.

God created our brains the way they are; a computer of sorts. He created us in His image meaning we have the ability to learn about our environment and manipulate the laws of nature that He has put in place to create technology and use science. It then follows that the work that Paul Scheele is doing is just that. He has learned how our minds work, how they were created, and how he can help them to perform optimally, just as my bike mechanic can get my bike running as smooth as possible given the limitations of it's "creation."

Anyway haha I've written you a novel haven't I? I am so very glad to find there are other Christians and people of faith who are into meditation and paraliminals, NLP, etc. I live in a pretty small town and haven't told many of my Christian friends about my meditation in this way. I don't know how many of them would understand. My best friend and my husband do understand so that's good. If you ever want to talk about anything, paraliminals or scripture or anything in between, I'd be glad to have someone to talk to!

With love,

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Hello Jessie,

I am so glad to hear from a fellow Christian who has had experience with these types of programs! I enjoyed your "novel" very much! *wink*

Thank you for your encouragement about using the paraliminals, etc. I have put the UYM meditations to use recently and have found them to be quite helpful. I've also recently purchased the Effortless Success Mindfest programs and am enjoying them very much.

I had some reservations about Sonic Access even though I found the paraliminal from the mindfest that it was a part of, to be very beautiful in it's imagery. The symbols used remind me of Masonic symbols, and I know that is a false form of worship, so I was not so inclined to invest in that program.

In the ESM meditations I am learning about how the symbols are working for me. (I've started a thread in the ESM forum telling about the symbols I've gotten.) I really appreciate your sharing about how the symbols are working for you. That's what I want from these, too - to draw me closer to my Lord.

I hope this doesn't put you off from talking with me, but I am a Seventh Day Adventist who doesn't attend the churches anymore. I meet with friends on the sabbath, which we have done for many years now. I am still friends with some of my former church family, like at Facebook, but the churches in general have stopped being open to new light and I just feel that one must continue to be open to whatever the Lord chooses to reveal to His people and progress. Light is not static - it continues to grow. That's why these programs have such an appeal to me. I am open to learning how to use my mind in a more useful way to draw me closer to my sweet Jesus.

I hope to hear from you again, Jessie. I must go for now, as it is just about time for me to leave for my study group. Take care and may God bless!

Love, Koco

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Hi again, Jessie,

I just wanted to address what you wrote about having disturbing dreams after using the paraliminals... the one I had was very disturbing, but as you said, might just be the mind processing "junk". I've often had very vivid dreams, although most of them weren't of any great significance. I used to pay attention to them, and I had quite a series of recurring dreams for awhile, mostly frustration-type dreams that I'm so glad are no longer plaguing me. (Elevator dreams, bicycle dreams, piano dreams, house dreams - at least 3 different house situations- flying dreams, but all were either out of my control or difficult in their operation or "getting caught" in someone else's house, etc.)

Eventually I began to realize, after the serial dreams had ended, that my dreams were bits and pieces of things I'd experienced during the day or had seen on t.v., etc, all thrown together in really weird scenarios, so I just dismissed them. Although, one time I had a prophetic dream that came true in time, after several years. That one I paid attention to.

The dream I had after using the paraliminals that scared me was really strange compared to other dreams I have had. Actually, I'm not sure it was a dream, though. It may have been a vision of sorts. Do you suppose it could be dark aspects of our own nature being brought out by the use of the holosync in the paraliminals? Or fears, perhaps, manifesting themselves in vision or dream?'

I haven't had any more dreams like that since.

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After this last study day with my friends in the faith, I find that these programs seem to be right in sync with God's word, particularly the law of attraction. It's all right there in the Bible, if you know what to look for. I'm not talking about twisting God's word to fit what I want to believe, but the actual walk of the sinner to complete conversion. It's all about character development, allowing God's character to become imbued upon our own so much that when we think thoughts in our every day life, we are but thinking His thoughts. It's a walk of continually bringing self into submission to God, the "Higher Power", the "universe", etc., the Creator, and that's essentially what ESM and the paraliminals seek to help one with. I am so excited (and relieved!) to have this verified in God's word! God is so good!

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Good for you.


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Hello Koco,

I just bought the UYM also. I, too, am a Christian, and have grave concerns about the paraliminals being akin to hypnotism.

I'm being very tentative about using them, but at the same time, I am SO hopeful that they will be helpful.

What have you discovered about this since you bought the program?

Oooopsss ... I wrote this before I found your last post on the second page. If I understand you correctly, you've found peace with the paraliminals as a tool to help you get closer to the Lord.

This thing about the dreams concerns me, though. Do you still have them?

Last edited by Seekker; 02/27/13 07:59 PM.
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Hey out there, I am Paul, I am also a Christian. I also get Paraliminals. Hypnosis too. I've also followed Kenneth Copeland, where I learned the power of believing. Joyce Meyer, where I got rid of a lot of bad habits and grew up. Wayne Dyer learning how to deal successfully with life.
You will learn how to with paraliminals. Get rid of Anger, I know a nice Christian Lady who could use that one. Seems Psychologists are accepted by Christians, they call them Counselor's. Also Anti-Depressant drugs are Okay by Christians, A whole list of other stuff. Paraliminals & Hypnosis is better than a Psychologist, or Drugs.
But, Christian, or Sports nut, or Soap Opera queen, they may not be open, and grow, There are a lot of people that just don't want anything new. They don't want to go outside the mainstream beliefs of their Culture they are in. A lot of people are not open, they are narrow minded.
We are on this planet a Spiritual being having a human experience. We are here to learn and achieve, and help others. I just think if you don't get it here, you step through the door of death and have to learn it there. Paraliminals is another eye opening tool that we have. But here in Michigan they want Marijauna shops not Paraliminal shops. Paul.

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I would love to hear from others at my email address at [edited]. I love the paraliminals and enjoy the ultimate you mind fest. It really talks about changing our inner stories about money. This relates to christianity as many of us feel burned out in churches. I too have listened to kenneth copeland and joyce myers and do find learning strategies to be a much better choice. To me I love the meditations and would welcome any comments. I was told that the movies and books we read and watch have a huge effect on our ability to prosper. I have friends that watch a lot of true crime stories and while they are doing that I am studying my programs at learning s strategies.

Last edited by Alex K. Viefhaus; 03/19/13 10:56 AM. Reason: do not post email addresses on forums unless you want to lose them to spam - you can use PM and decide to exchange emails if desired - Alex
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I don't understand why Christians, or adherents of any other religion, would have anything against hypnosis. It's simply not true that being hypnotized can make you do anything that's against your beliefs or values. In fact, hypnosis can't make you do anything. The hypnotic state is simply a deeply relaxed state in which your subconscious mind becomes more open to suggestions-- but only suggestions that are in line with what you really want to do and what is right for you. It is a natural state, and if anything, can bring you closer to spiritual reality, not take you away from it.

For example, when I had severe insomnia, a psychologist friend did some work with hypnosis for me. He used the same positive ideas I'd been telling myself, but somehow his soothing, gentle voice and his skill made it easier for me to take in, and that was much more successful than trying to do it on my own.

Whether we are using hypnosis, Paraliminals, EFT, or some other strategy to make positive changes for ourselves, the basic concept (at least as I understand it) is to get past our resistance-- to get out of our own way. Our outer, conscious minds are always coming up with reasons why we can't change or why things can't get better. These are ways to get around our nay-saying.

Best wishes for your practices and your prayers!


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JESUS is GOD and GOD LOVES YOU ENDLESSLY! JESUS is the only solution this is TRUE.
The TRUTH shall set you FREE so says scripture. That means TRUTH. That means that the WAY is TRUTH throughout LIFE. That means that all forms of TRUTH in all ways glorify GOD.

With all that being said. Paraliminals are just fine. Use them as you so desire. Scripture does not speak against the use of them specifically. And as long as you have faith in GOD he is the guiding your LIFE.

I am a Baptist Preacher and I know how to enter trance and have studied hypnotism. It is a scientific ideology. It is not witchcraft. Witchcraft is believing in anything except the TRUTH that JESUS is GOD!

JESUS is always GOD. JESUS will always be GOD. And the fact that trance exists and that we can do many things with the mind goes WITH this fact. Because

John 14:12
"Very truly I tell you, whoever believes in me will do the works I have been doing, and they will do even greater things than these, because I am going to the Father."

Paul Scheele is not a witch. He is a respectable scientist.

Science is not religions enemy. Science for years have proven that JESUS is GOD in the findings that they create on a daily basis.

Science is so because JESUS is GOD and how complex science is is just a mirror of how GREAT OUR GOD JESUS CHRIST is.

Have a blessed day. JESUS is the son GOD!

Last edited by INFINITE LIGHT; 04/11/13 04:22 PM.
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