
Pick one thing. Make one thing your goal for the next 40 days and set that in motion, wither it's to drop x weight in that time or start socialising once a week to meet new people. Just pick one goal. Flip a coin, Heads yes and tails no. Notice the feeling as you flip the coin, if you were disappointed at the answer it means the other goal was more meaningful.

The funny thing is when you focus on one thing other things start falling into place.

I like to do the Clear Mind Bright Future goal setting program once or twice a year. It takes about 4 hours max to do. I do it in one sitting. First it challenges me to pick some goals and then pick one to start on for 30 days.

Work out what action steps you can take on one goal for the next 30 days. You don't lose the other goals.

You can also do pro / con advantages of working on it disadvantages. The Abundance For Life course has the 7 steps for working on a goal, ideal too for getting clear. Often things like, I have to lose weight before I can find my soul mate and I'd need enough money gets us stuck in a loop.

One thing I suggest is you go back and finish one of those programs you haven't finished. Start bringing some completion to your actions.

When you consider it you had the implied goal of doing a course and yet stopped just before finishing it. Notice that probably happens with most people something stops them from finishing a course, because it's obsolete, or taking too long or other things in life throwing us off the path. Yet that also happens to our other goals. One way to see goals through is to complete some of those started courses.

Consider why you took the course. What was your purpose, aspirations. Did you quit because you were almost there? I know some goals I've given up on just because if I reached them I'd be wondering what I'd be doing next with my life, because this isn't looking like I expected it too. And if I was wrong about that being what I wanted and if I reached it, what's next? Or maybe I don't really want it and how do I get out of it once I'm in.

It works much better if I do my pros and cons and check if the goals are my own.

Another interesting thing I learned was desires like, losing weight, having a soul mate, earning enough money to have x lifestyle... if I don't have these things I'm broken? Where, when, why, how did I pick up those goals. Would they really make me happy or do they only seem like things I want because I learned I should have these things and I should be unhappy if I don't? My truth? My goals have changed a lot since I looked at the pro / cons for taking action for them and uncovered why the goals unraveled for me. I could choose to change what importance I gave stuff, move it up in my list of values.

One thing I disliked about doing goals and getting started on it is most programs have you spending 100s of hours writing and journaling to tap your goals. I never had the time for that either. The breakthrough for me came with Clear Mind Bright Future. I don't always achieve the goals I wrote down but I wind up living with a much better focus of where I want to be next and why.
