I guess I would start with Ideal weight.

You've pointed out that your weight is a barrier to your self-esteem and it will probably affect how you feel about yourself around women. No matter waht you do it might stop you from moving ahead with the other goals. So getting the ball rolling ther can add a boost to the self-esteem and motivate you with the other goals.

With the losing weight goal be realistic. The Paraliminal sets a pace of 1% loss of your current body weight. That can be a slow pace. So you might need to use the Belief Paraliminal about sticking to a diet, being succcessful this time and after that the New Behaviour Generator. It's there on the Ideal Weight Paraliminal but a personal specific focus on your new eating choices won't hurt.

Use them as your focus on moving the weight. Focus on this for a month. If you are 200 pounds then in 4 weeks you would have lost about 6 maybe 7 pounds. Slow but steady. When that is happening you're ready to focus on Financial Freedom. (my next choice because I guess you would like to be somewhat set heading toward that goal when you socialise.) Use the Prosperity Paraliminal, set small and big goals, notice finding $1 on the street and appreciate little things like that as signs of your prosperity increasing. It makes it easier for the big goals to happen and remember small can happen in an instant the big projects might take a little longer to fit into your pigeonhole. Notice how the small things increases your current income. At this point you are working on your weight as needed and prosperity so you might also need to use Self-Esteem Supercharger. You'll know when you need it. Use it for a couple of days.

Again give it a month. It doesn't need to take that long but it's important to give yourself the space where you can be patient and persistent. And each important goal deserves one months individual attention, don't you think?

You might find the other Paraliminals help out here and there Automatic Pilot for staying motivated on that new project for increasing your income. Belief when you encounter some serious "I Can't... s" Or even New Behaviour Generator if you discover you need to have a new habit of getting up earlier to be noticed by the bosses that can give you a payrise.

They are hypophetical situations, just for example.

And for a relationship http://www.learningstrategies.com/Paraliminal/Article9.html

You might not need all the Paraliminals as described in that article. And I honestly didn't want to write for all the possible things that you might encounter as you use the Paraliminals.

My suggestion is make a starting point. Plan to work on it for a month to see reasonable progress. As you start building toward the goal you might need different tools (Paraliminals). You always have the forum to help you work out which one would be the best at that point.
