For step #2, $5000 per month - do you have something set already that is not doing so well or are you in the process to set up some type of a business?

My weight is fine except for a few extra pounds around the stomach (used to be 155, then 150, now around 142). So I am thin, just the stomach I'm taking care of now. I'm using a trim body system which also helps to clean your system in the first 48 hours by recommending all liquid - 1 glass of protein shakes 6/7 times a day and 1 glass of water every other hour. After 2 days, you start by eating healthy. They have 2 very awesome DVDs that are exceptionally educational, fun and interesting. One of the thing the physician stresses is to start with PMA instead of negative thoughts. For example, don't think I need to lose some stupid pounds, but think you know what, I'll look so much better & reduce the chance of diseases just by eathing healthy and losing a few pounds. Also, put something visual. Like a nice looking pant that you'll start wearing as soon as you lose 2" - things like that and look at it every day in the morning & before going to bed. It is working awesome for me. And don't measure weight everyday, just believe you are getting healthier - measure once a week.