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#8102 05/17/05 12:33 PM
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Two hours ago I got my Ultimate collection, so I can start with any CD I like. I have not used any yet, but I am wondering which is a good strategy of sequence of CD's to attract a romantic partner and get her into a committed relationship.

In my case, I have found her and been with her as friend at different levels, but never into any committed romantic partnership, for two years. Also no sex ever with her, or any extended physical contact on romantic nature. I do know she has deep feelings for me, but she doesn't want a relationship with any man or woman at all. She has told me the story of her life with several relationships of different length, all of them with the intention of being the one lasting a lifetime. None did.

I know she has been hurt many times so she is no longer willing to risk a new relationship followed by the trauma of a break-up. She is also not a spiritual person at all and is dead set against personal development, etc.

I know I can only change myself to win her over. I know she loves me and we are very compatible on many levels. I have tried to win her over in any possible way and made sure she was comfortable and knew me well enough before I started pushing my luck. We do not socialise any longer, but we chat during breaks at work.

So where do I start with the Paraliminals? Positive Relationships? Instantaneous Personal Magnetism? I have known this woman for two years and see her at work all the time (we were friends before she started working in my group).

Thank you for your advice.

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Start with Positive Relationships. By the sounds of it the magnetism is already there.

If she really persist in keeping you at arms lenght you might need to prepare yourself to move on. A disappointing thought I know. Use Positive Relationships. Give it a month or so and see what happens.

If you do wind up starting over the Paraliminals are there to help you.


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Uniquesoul,I agree with Alex here. Focus on yourself - your self esteem and confidence. I believe (based on what you have written) that ultimately, when you start to really realize your worth and potential, you'll see that walking away from this girl is probably the best and most constructive option for you. Believe me, there are many, many other "fish in the sea" out there

[This message has been edited by KevCT (edited May 18, 2005).]

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One of the most important criteria in goal setting, is it must apply to yourself.

Being other oriented in this context can lead to dissaster in so many ways. As soon as you try to "make" another person do or be anything other than they are, there is potential for your dissapointment, and the others anger at being manipulated, and possible loss of the beautiful thing you already have.

While I agree with Alex, I also think that spending time appreciating what you do have with her, without excpectation of more, just gratitude for what is, will lead to greater happiness for both of you.

How wonderful to feel love for the other people in your life!


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Thank you all for your replies. I have started with Positive Relationships Session A. I listen to it once a day then I do the sleep listening while I am ready to fall asleep. So far no success. If anything, I am getting a cold shoulder at work from her while we collaborate. It could be due to something else happening in her life. It could be that she is afraid of a change.

I have no problem with my own potential and self-worth. After all I am doing well professionally and I am highly educated in my field (NB I am a scientist in a non-biological field) I know that in many ways I can be a very good catch for any woman. On the other side, being in my early 50's, the type of woman suitable for my age is mostly loaded with emotional baggage and, most likely, parental committments (NB you never stop to be a parent, if you really like to be a good one). I have no kids of my own, so I am not interested in acquiring some through a relationship leading to a marriage. I do like kids alot, but I am not willing to go through the exercise of having to form other deep relationships with close family members of a potential partner.

I am not interest in changing my potential partner, apart from the fact of moving into a relationship since I find a friendship with her awkward. She has played mind games to keep me into the friendship which suits her because she is so badly hurt from her past that she is terrorised by another form of committment, even if mild (like boyfriend/girlfriend with no live-in situation). I do not enjoy her company when I know that I am being manipulated into a form of selfish and unhealthy sort of social interaction.

The peak of our frienship came after a day-long boat trip on our small boat. I did nothing but enjoying what was coming out of our friendship. Well... she did fall in love with me, but never admitted to it. The outcome was that she threw me out of her life because she was falling in love with me. I didn't realise all of this for months. Being nice, patient, going with the flow, supportive, etc got me what I wanted... she fell in love with me, but her disastrous emotional condition got her to use her logical brain to overrule her emotions.

To all of this you need to add that I have no close relatives left in my life since they have all passed away, apart from the only first cousin I have who lived overseas. I was born and grew up overseas. So I do need a physical presence in my life. Until over an year ago that person was my father, but he passed away.

Since I have always had problems in attracting the right woman in my life, I am trying to change myself so that the energy around me can change. Over the last couple of weeks (ie before I received the Paraliminals), I started feeling better in many ways. I need to find the determination and dedication to follow through with my plans. I am a firm believer in all the studies behind Holosync, this is how I got hold of the Paraliminals.

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A natural law of the mind, that will affect both of you positively in your relationship if you use it, is that what you focus on grows. If you focus on something, some aspect, some kind of relating that you both want it could grow into something bigger. Find, if you can, one aspect that does work for both of you then enlarge it by focusing on it. Something is working between the two of you, otherwise you wouldn't be trying. Focus on what is working, do more of it, find more ways to do more of it. There are certain things you want that she isn't ready for, and there are certain things she wants that you aren't willing to give. But when she finds that you can be trusted because she sees your commitment, she might be willing to commit more. Commitment comes in layers when you have been hurt in the past. You have to be there long enough for her to release the hurt and trust again. You can enjoy what works for you currently.

Vita-man captured this law of the mind by his statement:

"I also think that spending time appreciating what you do have with her, without excpectation of more, just gratitude for what is, will lead to greater happiness for both of you. How wonderful to feel love for the other people in your life!"

The all-or-nothing strategy isn't going to work her because she's not ready for all. You have to start from what you appreciate and grow her trust in you.

The ideal paraliminal for activating the law I mentioned in your life is Prosperity. It gets you to focus on what is already good, it helps your mind find pathways that were always there but you couldn't see because you didn't have the will or belief to make it work.

If I were you I would make the session go something like this:

Area: Relationship with ______________

Ideal desire: To increase what does work for both of us in the relationship until she is ready to commit to the relationship as much as I desire.

You can also do both sessions of the New Option Generator to create new workable choices in the relationship.

[This message has been edited by Grant (edited May 24, 2005).]

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Thank you, Grant, for your comments.

What works for both is the great feelings we have when we are together and probably even away from each other. We have a high degree of compatibility in the most important aspects of life. She is ready for anything, but not a committed relationship with any man. I would not be surprised if one day she would tell I am the man she has loved the most in her life. I am the same height as the partner of her longest relationship and my face resembles that of her first boyfriend, who, amazingly, died in a car accident the day of my 21st birthday! So the connection between us is very deep in many ways. It's a pity she decided not to be a spiritual person at all.

It is very bizarre that last year for the Christmas holidays, after we had not socialised for 3 months, she asked me if I wanted to spend a couple of days with her and her pre-teen nephew from interstate, whom I had met the year before. I accepted since I thought that this was the move towards a relationship. She never invites friends when her nephew is around. As soon as the kid found out I was going to be around for a couple of days, he wanted me there all the time. I know that, if she didn't want me with them, she would have told me so. We spent a wonderful week together. I did play by her rules and never did anything to make her uncomfortable. The friendship between me and kid grew alot, as he saw me like his uncle.

Once we dropped the kid off the airport, we got back to her house and things were like in the past. I did see her again a couple of times. I did get physical in hugging her and giving her a few kisses trying to trigger a positive reaction from her. I said that, I saw no reasons why we could not spend the rest of our lives seeing each other every morning and enjoying life together like during the week we had just had. Of course, this created a new rift between us. For weeks at work she was very cold towards me. A few weeks later I sent her a Valentine's present. She never said thank-you. After weeks after I sent her a birthday present, but again no thank-you. However, since then she has become really friendly at work with me. I did phone her one day to say thank-you for being nice to me. Again she pushed the issue of making sure there is no misunderstanding between us. This means being friendly, but nothing past that. I have learnt that discussing our possible relationship with her gets me nowhere.

I am not willing to accept anymore what it comes. I have done it for almost two years. She is a person who drags potential relationships on for ever as close friendships. In one of her past relationships the man supposedly wrote her a letter everyday for two years. In the end she caved in, but the relationship failed after a few months.

Over an year ago I asked her what are the signs that she falls in love. She replied that it is a sudden and unpredictable event. All I know is that once I kissed her, her reaction was... wow.. this is getting dangerous! She never kisses me back though, as she said that the kiss to me will mean the start of a complete relationship. She added it is a game of all-or-nothing... I believe this is true.

Having spent endless time figuring her out, I know when she lies, when she is truthful, when her deep feelings for me are coming up, etc. There is no way that I can get to her heart in an organised and rational, progressive fashion so that she can let go and accept a relationship with me. So it's a matter of surprising her by getting her in a moment of weakness. However, I must work on myself to become "irresistible" to her, as this is the only way I can weaken her resistance. Holosync meditation, Paraliminals and Sedona method will get me there.

So she does trust me in many ways, but not when it comes to me showing my deep feelings for her. She is the only close person in my life who knows me in my private life and at work. She glows every time she can tell me that somebody said nice words about me while I was not present.

Paraliminals help in changing the energy around a person. The Ultimate You collection gives you lots of tools on different ways to change parts of you.

I find it is most helpful to get suggestions on how to find more uses to the Paraliminals. I liked Grant's suggestion about using Prosperity as part of a way to win over the woman of my dreams.

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Originally posted by uniquesoul:
She glows every time she can tell me that somebody said nice words about me while I was not present.

You might need to take that away from he. Not be available. Not be there for her only on her terms. The Relationshp Paralliminal session A is about becoming the type person you want to attract. You might also want to use the New History Generator to recreate the history of your relationship.

If you really love someone you have to let them go. You might try some Sedona type releasing as well.


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Do you find you are quite serious most of the time and that she is too? To be irresistable is to be light-hearted. Flirting is a very light-hearted game. Shock her, stun her. Say you'll just be friends but flirt like crazy. You said she falls in love at sudden and unpredictable events. She's given you a big clue. Flirting is quite unpredictable and sudden most of the time. Learn to flirt without giving gifts and paying for dinners etc. Tease her don't please her. If you can do all this then you know you're getting closer.

[This message has been edited by Grant (edited May 30, 2005).]

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Okay, I know I'm coming to this party late, but I think I have something to contribute here.

Affirmations and whatnot are fine, but face it, they aren't what turn women on. Grant hit the nail on the head when he said to surprise her, stun her. Women are attracted to confidence and humor and playful arrogance. PLAYFUL arrogance. They like to be teased. Drop the "nice guy" routine, but without being a jerk. A cocky, playful arrogance pushes their buttons in a way that sets a guy apart from all the needy boys looking for "a relationship." Most women find needy men ikcy (just as most men don't want a needy woman to glom on to them).

Simply being able to say "No" to a woman works wonders you wouldn't believe. Don't be at her beck and call. Don't assume the roll of "girlfriend," listening to stories about past relationships, family troubles, and so on. Don't buy flowers, presents. All that can come later, but not if you want to elicit attraction. This doesn't mean be a jerk. It means be a other women. Let her know you're dating other women, that you have a life. Pursue your hobbies (women are weirdly turned on by guys who are passionate about their interests--if you're an avid gun, knife, and shrunken-head collector, though, you might want to keep that on the low-down!). Be busy with your life, in other words.

Don't let her (or other women) grill you, especially about other dating scenarios. Women will test men, probably unconsciously in most cases, to see if they can control them, and even if they LIKE getting guys to do what they want, they are rarely attracted to them. They are attracted to the man with testicularity enough to say, "No." It sends the signal: "Dominant male."

And, again, tease her. If, for instance, she innocently touches you, say something like(with that playful cockiness), "Hey, women PAY to touch me. You'll have to get in line if you want to do that again!" A woman might APPEAR shocked at such a remark, but you've surprised her, made her feel something she didn't expect to feel. And if you can get a woman to feel something--anything so long as it isn't fear, anger, or humiliation--you have a powerful tool at your disposal. This stuff really works, and works with women you don't even know.

Keep phone calls short. End them at their peak--a few minutes, tops. Make yourself less available to her. See her once, maybe twice a week, tops, and during these meetings, keep being cocky. If you aren't naturally funny, learn to be. Treat her like a bratty little sister; tease her about her shoes ("Do you work in a circus, or what? Look at those things!"). DON'T tease her about her body ("Geez, where do you get your clothes, Omar the Tentmaker?").

This stuff sounds counter-intuitive, but there's a reason why so many women fall for jerks, for bad boys--it's because those jerks ALSO possess the sort of cockiness that denotes self-possession and strength. You need to reveal that self-possession without being a jerk. People naturally try to assume control in situations, but woman are generally attracted to the man who keeps control. So keep control; don't yield power.

And if a woman flakes on you--stands you up or cancels a date at the last minute--go ahead, give her another chance, but let her know you don't tolerate that kind of behavior. You don't do it to other people, and you expect them to treat you in kind--say something like, "Are you actually going to make it this time, or are you going to flake again? You've already used up your one-free-flake more chances." Even call her the day before the date to make sure she's going to make it: "If you might not, I want to know so I can make other plans."

It sounds manipulative, but it's really not. It's just conducting yourself like a man, a playful funny guy with things to do and places to go. If you aren't naturally like this, it is certainly a skill that can be developed. Practice it on strangers--women at the gym ("Oh come on, you can use more weight than that!")...make eye contact for a second or two longer than necessary (but not spooky-long; you don't want to come off as a glowering stalker); check-out girls ("Hey, how are you today?" When she says, "Fine, you?" you say, "Oh, superior," and smile).

UniqueSoul wrote:

<< I said that, I saw no reasons why we could not spend the rest of our lives seeing each other every morning and enjoying life together like during the week we had just had.>>

This is NOT playfully arrogant! Neither is spending a week at her beck and call with her nephew! STOP THAT! And it is obvious that whatever she feels for you, it isn't the sort of sexual attraction that leads to romantic relationships. I seriously doubt she is in love with you, as you suggest. She clearly regarded you as a friend, and nothing more, or she would have allowed more to develop...EVERYONE over probably the age of 20 has some sort of emotional baggage, and everyone has had a relationship go sour. She certainly isn't unique, and it really isn't her "fault" if she doesn't feel that attraction. We don't really control whom we are and aren't attracted to. You job, as a man in a world of available women, is to *elicit* that feeling of attraction. You DON'T want to come across as the Nice Guy a mother would want her daughter to marry. Period. You can still be a good guy without coming across as a "Nice Guy," and there IS a difference.

And my God...talking about spending your lives together when you haven't even kissed her...this is the kiss of death. She doesn't hear, "Hey, I think you're great. I have a lot of fun with you and am willing to let you share more of my life" (which is a statement--too blunt to use as-is, by the way--that lets her know you are keeping control but open to sharing a little more of your valuable self with her). What she hears is: "I am needy." Even if you aren't.

<< I did phone her one day to say thank-you for being nice to me.>>

And what she heard was: "I am needy doormat. Thank you for throwing wretched me some crumbs." This isn't you, so STOP WITH THE SUPPLICATIONS.

<< However, I must work on myself to become "irresistible" to her, as this is the only way I can weaken her resistance.>>

You aren't going to become irresistable to women if you keep calling them to thank them for being nice to you! This isn't anywhere near the neighborhood of irresistable. It's not even on the same continent. You become irresistable by projecting what a New Ager might call "masculine energy," and others might call charisma. Some guys have it naturally; many of us don't, but can cultivate it. Cockiness, humor, playfulness, confidence, self-possession, independence--these are manifestations of "masculine energy." Following a woman around like a puppy-dog is not.

I've been there; I know. When I was young (I'm in my early 40's now), I never understood why such-and-such a woman wasn't responding to me the way I wanted. I was SUCH a Nice Guy! I helped them move, bought them things, listened to their relationship woes, at least for the women I REALLY liked, really wanted. And did they appreciate it? Well, yeah, sure, but it didn't elicit attraction. At some point I realized that what women were responding MOST to was me being cocky and funny...and keeping that up, even after intimacies, until they slipped into relationship mode. And this stuff still works, even on women 20 years younger than I am. I am a man of modest income, and although I am in decent shape, I have only slightly-above-average looks. I am an extreme--and I mean extreme--introvert. I need a LOT of time alone, to pursue my own interests (reading, drawing, music, gardening, shrunken-head collecting [okay, that last one was a joke]...). If this stuff works for me, it can work for anyone.

It might well be too late to turn this friendship into the sort of relationship you want it to be. It seems that once a woman (or man) has you categorized, it's hard to change her mind about that. Try at the next office party (or choose-your-social-setting) to walk past her on your way back to your group of friends from the bar or snack table or whatever, stop briefly, chat a little (being playfully arrogant of course), then say something like, "Well, the guys are waiting for their drinks. Catch you later." Keep up this sort of friendly aloofness until she contacts you, if that happy day ever comes. Then carry on with the funny-arrogance stuff.

These principles--if you can call them that--work with men and women of any age. I've been through the Nice Guy routine--calling, gifts, dinners--and it simply doesn't work. Trust me on this.

[This message has been edited by jl3goat (edited June 19, 2005).]

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