
Anybody out there who can advise me on the following?

For some years I’ve been working in the computer business. I started out as a trainee but soon became a manager, as I took every opportunity I got to live my ambitions. All I could think about was up, up and I succeeded in that, only to realize that this wasn’t what I really wanted. I did the logical thing and quit. I decided I needed the time to find out what I really truly wanted. Yes, the thirty-something crisis all the way. (Only I wasn’t even 30 yet…. )
Now, about 2 years later I still don’t know what to do or where to go with my life. I feel like I’m swimming around in circles without any true aim. Apart from the fact that this irritates the h… out of me I also have the feeling that it is changing me and not for the better. I used to try everything I thought would be fun or could possibly lead me to something I wanted. I felt dynamic, energetic, like I was moving. I was optimistic. For example, I went abroad for months on several occasions and never once gave a thought about plane crashes, camera’s being stolen, major league allergies, falling off horses and such. Though most of these things happened to me it never stopped me from going again.
Now it does.
Right now I feel a bit stuck, standing still. Instead of trying things I think about how they could go wrong and stop trying before I even really started. (Don’t get me wrong, I’m not depressed or anything. I still go out a lot and do fun things. The above mostly concerns activities to give my life some direction, not the day-to-day activities) I’m getting very annoyed by this behaviour since it doesn’t really fit me very well. Problem is I can’t seem to change it. I sometimes feel I’m turning into such a grey mouse that I even get bored with myself!
I have tried many ways to find my goal or destiny in life but have not succeeded yet. Somebody must have hidden it extremely well…
Anyway, I was wondering (yes, I still do a lot of that…) if any of you’d know how I could find my goal in life. And maybe get back to my old self.
Maybe there are also some Paraliminals that can help me with this. If so, which ones?

Love, Angelina