Hello Angelina

Being a 32 year old male, and in the process, of being made redundant, I can understand, the feeling of loss, if that’s the right word, not knowing just where not to go, I have a passion for NLP, and creating thing’s with this technology, and lucky for me, I will be doing a host of NLP training over the next few months, so I can become and NLP trainer, yet that does not help you, yet if you bare with me, just a little, what follows might.

Consider asking your self these questions, and jot down on paper, what your answers are.

The questions are very simple and use a babe type tonality,
If I has to do one job, that make me happy what would that be?
If I has to let some body choose this job, what would I want them to choose for me?
If I has to go in to the future and read my epitaph, what would it say about the life I had?
If I has to choose, just one thing, that I am really good at, what would that be?

Can you make a find a job that fit in with what your answers are? Or can you create a business out of anything that came up?

Now I know this seems very simple in the way that I have put it across, and I really do know how frustrating, life can be when you seem to have no direction, could you write a book about, how you created your success in the computer business , could you teach, or couch someone to do the same

Paraliminals New option Generator, I think would help as it would allow to create options that you might not have thought off yet, Belief to re-train your beliefs, and up date and add some newer and better ones. New behaviour generator, the title gives it away,

Just one more quick thing, grab a business phone book close your eyes, open a page at random, now does anything on the page seem like it could be a good job to do?

May you take your best day with you always.