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Hi magickdoggie! Just to let you know in terms of 4, 8, 9 & 10 they have all now was no. 10 I had to wait for but, it arrived this morning which is good news. What I'm going to do is PR those 4 books tonight & then Mind-Map them the next day and see what answers I come up with.


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Hi magickdoggie! Hope you're well, I am doing great at the moment. I wanted to add to this forum on what I have found so far. I will add more to this at some point.

THE OUT-OF-BODY EXPERIENCE by Anthony Peake: What happened when I was doing my Holosync meditation CD I had an image of 2 books & this was 1 of them. What I did I went on a trip somewhere & on the coach I did the 1st 3 steps of PR then I went straight into Rapid Reading. The book has 212 pages I read 190 of them in 1 day in which I was astounded. And I did gain a lot from it! In particular there were 2 chapters which caught my eye: The case of Robert Monroe & Ingo Swann. What it is when I read about those 2 again they both did have an OOB experience when you read more into it. As a conclusion after reading about the 2 was that Astral Travel can be used to time travel.

TIME TRAVEL by Jenny Randles: This was the other book that I saw on my Holosync CD. I read this after reading OOB by Anthony Peake & I'm glad I did! The main thing that caught my eye was about 'The Philidelphia Experiment' still sticks in my mind. What I did was on YouTube I watched a movie of the same name as it was based on possible true events...& I loved the movie. What had happened the Navy were doing an experiment on their ship using electricity to make themselves invisible; except what had happened something went wrong with this & all of a sudden 2 sailors seemed to have travelled forward in time. It seems that all the electricity they used to try to make themselves invisible had opened a portal to another dimension...see what you think of that.

BREAKING THE TIME BARRIER by Jenny Randles: I read this 1 after Time this will interest you very much! I remember when PR books on Time Travel there were many references to Nikola Tesla; it just kept on popping out at me...I didn't know why at the time. That book has hit the nail on the head. What it is Tesla was a very eccentric scientist but, he was a genius! What had happened he was conducting an experiment with huge transfomers & then all of a sudden by accident he produced enormously powerful rotating magnetic fields...he then felt he entered the 4th dimension (Time) & there were strange tingling on his hands. He seemed to alter the dimensions of time & space. What it seems to me is that with transfomers it can create a form of vortex/black holes which then could open the doors of time...Tesla stated that when you travelled into this dimension it was like you could walk into another room. Tesla was recognized as the 1st Chrononaut but, unfortunately for him he could NOT get any funding to build a time machine & this was in the year of 1895. But, also at the same when this happened to him he did have an OOB. Now I know why the 2 books I mentioned appeared during my Holosync makes perfect sense!

"ABOUT TIME" MOVIE: I watched this movie a few weeks ago, it was written by Richard Curtis...this movie was awesome! It was about a man whose father taught him how to time travel. In his family only the males could do this extraordinary phenomenon. What REALLY interested me about it was that he could do this using the power of his mind hence, not needing to build any time m/c...I remember I stated this early in the forum that it struck me that we don't need to build a time m/c in order to travel back in time.And when he changed history he changed it for the better! I'm so glad I watched the was worth it.

"ATLANTIS" TV DRAMA: Last Saturday this TV drama began; it is in 13 parts. I've always had an interest in Atlantis because it was a very spiritual place. Anyway, wat reall struck me was there was this man "Jason" who in this era is going underwater using a mini-submarine to search for his father who went missing. Now as he was going underwater something unusual happened - Jason seemed to go through some kind of unusual light & all of a sudden he ends up in Atlantis. What really hit me was that the character in the TV drama seemed to have entered a portal into another dimension...I can't wait for part 2 to come out.

All the best!


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Hi're going to love this! What happened I received the book "The Secrets of Self-Hypnosis" by Bruce Goldberg; so what I did last night I did the first 3 steps of PR & then I went straight into Rapid Reading & read the whole book from beginning to end in 1 HOUR! There were 134 Pages in that book - I was totally astounded! I have never read that many pages in that amount of time...WOW!!!!


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Hi Magickdoggie...hope you're well. I just wanted to post my results on the book I PR titled "The Divine Matrix" by Gregg Braden. I actually PR it ages ago & Mind-Mapped it as well which gave me some interesting results. When I studied my Mind-Map I noticed I put words down in relation to God & Jesus Christ. For one there was a reference to the Lords' Prayer and then about DNA being the God Eternal within the body. Then again in reference to Jesus where he talks about speaking to the universe. And whilst I was thinking about this I immediately thought about the book "Mary Magdalene, Beloved Disciple" in which was put in our list of books. Now what this tells me in some ways we can ask the universe to help find a way to time-travel; it's kind of a cosmic-ordering so as to speak.

There's something even more weird from a PR point of view that happened to me but it is good! On an earlier post I explained about the book The Daemon by Anthony Peake when p.297 flashed out at me out of nowhere & it was about Philip K Dick. Now this is the weird part...again with the same book p.288 flashed out at me for no reason, it had done a few times. So what I did took out the book & looked at p.288 - it was the beginning of Chapter 10 which profiles on Philip K Dick. Believe me I was totally astounded! So with that book I am going to PR it again & focus ONLY on Philip K Dick because I feel there are more answers there especially to do with Time-Travel.


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ask the unviverse... why don't you ask the universe if someone created it or not ... this creator worth asking more than the universe then.. smile

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Hiya BnOmar....actually I did ask the universe a while ago when I was doing my Cosmic Ordering, I even used Theta Healing. What I am going to do is let the Universe bring this to me...I know it will come very soon to me, I can feel it.

Take care,


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Hi mgagickdogie! This week just gone I had managed to PR 'The Daemon' by Anthony Peake and 'Exploring the 5th Dimension' by Bruce Goldberg I will give my conclusions.

EXPLORING THE 5TH DIMENSION: When I looked at my mind-map 1 of the 1st thoughts that came into my mind was the year 3050. What it is Dr. Goldberg stated that it will be in that year that people will finally be able to "time-travel". But, I beg to differ so as to say...because after reading Jenny Randles books & Anthony Peake's books it had seemed that some people may have time-travelled already in this life-time and also before we were born. But Dr. Goldberg does have good input into this. There were words that did spring out at me & they were: Astral-Plane, Hypnosis, New Age & Other Dimensions. I'm not too exactly why they seemed to attract to me but, what it could be is is that Hypnosis can be used to travel along the Astral-Plane & hence we can travel to other dimensions & also time travel. When I read the book again I will see what other answers I'll come up with.

THE DAEMON: When I PR this book again I focussed mainly on Philip K Dick (PKD), the former Sci-Fi writer. What it is PKD had a form of schizophrenia which he had suffered since he was a child & it had carried on until his death in 1981. But, what was interesting when he had an episode of a fit he could easily see into the future. And on a number of occasions he would speak to this light-being called his "daemon" who would tell him certain things about his future. It was also stated that this "being" informed PKD when he would meet his death.

Right, let me explain where the word "daemon" came from. It was more or less discovered by a Christian group called the Gnostics (this is where the word 'Agnostic' came from). They were the ones who believed in this being...but, what had happend the Catholic Church had tried to suppress it by making negative comments about it then by renaming it DEMON i.e. they had demonized the word. Many of the Gnostics were murdered by the Catholic Church due to this. In the ancient times of Atlantis it was said that the great Philosopher Plato had also discovered this daemon (in those times it was called daimon) & he had spoken to it too. In more modern terms the daemon is your higher-self which can see into anyone's future. In Anthony Peake's books there had been many cases where people had spoken to this "being" & it had changed the course of their history. The former French-Soccer player Zinedine Zidane had also encounted his daemon back in 2005 & what had happened he returned to International Soccer with France.

What this is telling me is that this "Daemon" certainly holds many keys to Time-Travel...if we focus more on our daemon we would DEFINITELY be able to time-travel...the only question is how do we access our daemon & how do we use it to time-travel?

Another word which also popped out at me was "Zohar" which is quite interesting because "Kabbalah" was mentioned thoughts are that can the Zohar be used to access our Daemon?

See what you think!


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Time-travel will never be possible.If its possible,like in all other fields there will be some people who exploits it for their own good.There will be time bandits or something like in some fictional movies,and surely some might have traveled to our time period and commit some crimes here, for those crime the only possible way to explain how it happened is by time travel.Have you heard of such an incident occurred recently or in past which can only be explained by time-travel??? I think not. Better use your time for something else rather than running behind some fantasy stories.

Why this topic doing in the 'Photoreading' section which has nothing to do with PRing.[Deleted By AlexK, flaming is not acceptable. Keep to the topic]

Time Travel is not possible nor is Photoreading unless you are born with the gift of Eidetic memory.

No wonder Paul Scheele using 'Pete Bissonette' to market this fictional book.

I was cheated by this company by buying their product hoping to read like Pete Bissonette who has Eidetic memory.

Last edited by Alex K. Viefhaus; 12/23/13 07:42 AM. Reason: Flaming comment removed
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Originally Posted By: KurianJojo
Time-travel will never be possible.If its possible,like in all other fields there will be some people who exploits it for their own good.There will be time bandits or something like in some fictional movies,and surely some might have traveled to our time period and commit some crimes here, for those crime the only possible way to explain how it happened is by time travel.Have you heard of such an incident occurred recently or in past which can only be explained by time-travel??? I think not. Better use your time for something else rather than running behind some fantasy stories.

Having experienced time travel first hand, I wonder what you base your comments on? It doesn't give us food for thought.

Why this topic doing in the 'Photoreading' section which has nothing to do with PRing.

Because the books they are discussing are books they've used the PhotoReading system on.

Time Travel is not possible nor is Photoreading unless you are born with the gift of Eidetic memory.

Everyone is born with an Eidetic memory. Research shows that the eidetic memory falls into disuse because it is too slow once we start using language to discuss things. That is not to say that the skill isn't there. What happens is the brain processes and recreates memory constantly in order to make our memories useful for our day to day experiences.

What are your sources to say that time travel is not possible?

No wonder Paul Scheele using 'Pete Bissonette' to market this fictional book.

I actually find that funny for a number of reasons. Paul is also a proficient PhotoReader as am I. And none of us have an eidetic memory.

If one explores the post on the forum, I found that an eidetic memory is actually slower than than an informed mind. There is little point in PhotoReading a book and having to have the pages sit in the mind like a bookshelf waiting for the information to be read. I love that PhotoReading allows me to process the information and make use of it in minutes rather than taking days until I understand what the author is explaining.

How much time have you spent with the PhotoReading course and how many books have you applied it on.


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Originally Posted By: Guillaume
Originally Posted By: Magickdoggie
Guillaume hi! I am getting these books and photoreading them. Are you doing mind maps on them? Let's share our ideas and thoughts on these books on this thread here. I'll get them, mind map them and then come back and post. Would you be interested in doing a syntopic photoreading project on Time Travel here?

Let's get a book list going. So far between the two of us I have the following:

1.Mary Magdalene , Beloved Disciple by Clysta Kinstler

2. How the World Is Made, The Story of Creation According to Sacred geometry by John Mitchell/Allan Brown

3. Divine Matrix by Gregg Braden
4. Holographic Universe - Michael Talbot
5. Doors to Past and Future Lives : Practical Applications of Self-Hypnosis - Carl LLewellyn Weschke

6.Garden Of Pomegranates - Israel Regardie

7. Exploring the Fifth Dimension: Parallel Universes, Teleportation and Out of Body Travel by Bruce Goldberg

8.Physics of the Impossible: A Scientific Exploration into the World of Phasers, Force Fields, Teleportation, and Time Travel by Michio Kaku

9. Parallel Worlds: The Science of Alternative Universes and Our Future in the Cosmos by Michio Kaku

10. Hyperspace: A Scientific Odyssey through Parallel Universes, Time Warps and the Tenth Dimension by Michio Kaku

11. The Infinite Mindfield: The Quest to Find the Gateway to Higher Consciousness by Anthony Peake

12. A Life of Philip. K. Dick: The Man Who Rememebered the Future by Anthony Peake

Any books you want to add feel free. Let me know if you're interested in doing this project and what your time constraints are.

Happy weekend to you Guillaume!

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