This is a very interesting discussion. I was feeling like that a couple of years ago - I guess it happens to everyone at some point. I finished my college, started working as a web developer, changed a couple of jobs, was unemployed for a while, got back and currently working still mostly with the web but not developing anymore (although I can and once in a while I do if necessary) - doing something between business & technology. I used to wonder "what am I doing".. "is this all there is for me".. "what's the point of waking up, going to work, come back home, watch TV routing".. etc.

I think one of the problem people face is that they want to find a "job" that fulfills their need and they can move up the ladder. The question is "Would a job fulfill your need or are you in a particular field because of money and future opportunities?" If I was given an option to wake up and do anything for one whole month and get paid for whatever I do, I would never pick the option of going to my office or doing my work. Maybe I'd want to buy a car or travel or have fun with friends/family or help people.... the options are endless.

So why do we want to be fulfilled in a cubicle and decorate it so that it looks like our second home? I figure out that I have no interest in working for a company where no body cares about me and I don't care about anyone. TIME is a much more valuable commodity than MONEY and unfortunately we trade our time (in hours) to get money (salary). I started looking into other options where I do not have to be limited my number of hours or a dollar bill - I can invest my time and energy initially and build what I like so that I'll always have the time that I need and money that I want. If you look at money as a solution, you'll always run after money. I learned how to look at money as a disease - so that I can fix the money problem once and for all and go do what I like to do.

If I was asked a question a few years ago "what is the value of your life" as there are over 6 B people in the world, I wouldn't know what to say. Now I do know what to say and I have a purpose in life. Hopefully in another year from now, my money problem will be taken care of and I'll build a nice home, get a couple of nice cars, take care of my family needs AND THEN, I'll go on with my project to develop some schools and clinics in my original home country so that kids can get proper education (as opposed to 80% illiteracy rate) and people can get free medical help. I'll build a network of charitable clinics and schools back home. I find myself fulfilled when I see that my existance in this world, touched one person to have a better life, then another one, and then another one....

I believe that I can put a value on my life with the question "how many people are living a better life (hope, family, finances, ...) because of me?"

What makes you happy? Really, answer the question. If after your death, you were brought to judgement and asked what have you accomplished, what would you say?

There is a very good book that came out probably with in the last couple of months "Become Who You Were Born to Be" by Brian Souza that has examples of a lot of different people and how they went from point A to B in their lives and also a lot of questions to think about.

Oh, one other thing - I don't watch TV anymore (sometimes 1-2 hours a month) and I put that time to build a future as opposed to watching everyone else's problems and all the junks. Our brain is a gift - it is always a good idea to protect it.