Because the books they are discussing are books they've used the PhotoReading system on.

There is no reason to discuss the contents of the books they have PRed here."Time Travel Teleportation ESP Clairvoyance Parapsy" has nothing to do with PRing.There are good and bad books out there.What you gonna do if someone Photoread them and discuss here?You have to stop them because they are deviating from the topic.This is a place to discuss Photoreading not time travel,Unless PRing is related to time travel.

How much time have you spent with the PhotoReading course and how many books have you applied it on.

I have been trying to learn photoreading for almost 2 years.I re-tried the entire system 3 times now with no luck.I tried to learn the system for 2 months then failed,still i didn't gave up,something telling me it will work.So after few months i tried the system again completely from scratch and then again nothing.Now i started the system form scratch in December 1 2013 and being practicing everyday and still don't get the system.I'm beginning to lose faith on the system.That's why i got angry and made the last post.I completed the audio cds,watched the videos,also listened to supercharger most night before going to sleep.
The thing is,when i activate using super-read or skitter i just keep on moving down the page.I don't get any insights.I can't say for myself if the system is working for me or not.

I apologize if i offended anyone.