First, your imagination is nice for an ego trip yet how is it practical? Where does one really apply the information from the maths book in life? How does one really use that skill. Therein lies a real purpose.

Getting a writers sense???? What does that mean? As a writer myself I usually write to impart information. If you just want to get a sense, which is similar to a concept of what the writer has to offer, look at the table of content and you're done.

A real purpose looks at how one can apply what they read considering we read to learn. And given how much information is published each year it makes sense to use ones time wisely. Taking too much time to get a concept or sense of what the author has to offer is a waste, consider it your first purpose when you look at a book. You're done with the preview. Once you have the sense / concept. Take it further. Is it worth spending more time with this author or is it better to find a book or author that matches what you need for your life?
