Create mind maps note how many pages the book was, how long you took, how difficult you perceived the style to be and keep that in a ring binder. Remember to date them.

Also forget about trying to improve the system just see what's working. Note your strategies on the back of the mind-map for reference, what worked. Where did you get stuck?

And just because something didn't work for one book us it on another.

Make a note of the activation layers and how you felt if you want. That can all go on the back of mind maps you're creating.

And if you're not creating mind maps as you read, I suggest you do if you want to get over that perceived hurdle.

For the record I hated mind mapping. I knew the rules of mind mapping and it was too much locked in for me. Until I did the Memory Optimizer course. Then I saw the point of mind mapping and found a way of narrowing the focus from a book. And my mind maps look pretty lame because I cannot be bothered redrawing them to be pretty., They are functional as they are.
