Maybe I can help here... This is called associative and disassociative... when these techniques are used for sports... you first visualize in a disassociative state... meaning watching the other person or even your self doing the action you want to perfect.... in a perfect manner....

Then you visualize looking through your own eyes.... fully associative state... performing the action in a perfect manner...

The concept of doing this in a disassociative and associative state with a "Mentor" or "Role Model".... helps to get past our "sentry", which if we first use ourselves... in an associative and disassociative mental state... we can often say to ourselves... "You got to be kidding, there is no way you can do that".....

By Using a role model.. and patterning our actions in both associative and disassociative states.... we dispell this counterproductive "Self talk".....

Hope it helps...

Best regards,

Kevin Barrett