It think this highlights two issues. First of all, that the paraliminal is working, and second of all, that your friend is in need of professional help. It’s not the CD that did this to her, but her own underlying psyche about her weight issues. Let me explain.

Someone close to me used paraliminals and mediation to reach their “ideal” weight, which is a very subjective goal by definition. People with weight issues never seem to reach their “ideal” weight, and this person imagined and mediated on being in a concentration camp, starved of food as a means to reach that goal. It worked so well, and her subconscious picked up the queues, and the net result was that she was hungry ALL the time. In essence, she defeated her own goal with the imagery and the MEANING that she gave to the process.

The CD is the tool, but we make this stuff happen all by ourselves. Help her by getting her professional help. Guilt is never a good sign.

Just my 0.02 worth.

[This message has been edited by educk (edited December 14, 2005).]