mozart is not the only composer used for the "mozart effect" although his music is found to have the most profound effects, due to the perfect balance that exemplifies his style in form and structure.
baroque music is all about this type of balance and it just so happens that mozart seems to do the "best" job. that isnt to say he is the best composer, (although that is certainly arguable), merley that his particular style of baroque tempo and balance in form creates the perfect effect for accelerated learning.

its still not understood why exactly baroque music has this effect over other forms. some say it is to do with the synchronicity between the tempo and alpha brainwaves, and other theories are given.

as for nlpers modelling these effects.. i dont think so.

the closest i know of is dilts showing the strategies that mozart used, in his "strategies of genius" books, although i cant remeber which one.. its either 1 or 3.