When doing the Decicive Action course last December, I decided I realy need to get out of my current job. I set one of my goals to get a job in my industry that is closer to my goals, talents, abilities, and values.

A posting came up a month ago, at a social service agency I applied to last year (came in second place that time) but this job looks SO much more interesting. I applied, had an interview last week, they started calling my references, and today I was offered the contract. I will start in two weeks.

I am still going to be counseling, but this time I will be facilitating a program that teaches "multi barriered" youth life skills, employment skills, etc, plus teaching them videography and film making.

This is so cool! My passion and skill as a counselor meets my interest in film and arts! This is a six month contract- but who knows where it will lead. It certainly is a leap in the direction I want to go, that is for sure, and who knows- if the program is succesful, there may be more contracts.

To celebrate, I am going to start with New History Generator B...

Now- I have to close this last situation, keep my aliances strong, and move on.
