Folks...please advise.

I just find out today from my Mom's doctor she has cancer again. Really serious too, apparently in her liver and these things dont get better, you can only control them is what the doctor said. Apparently they're having trouble even with that. I havent seen Mom in a while but my sister is telling me the tumors have really expanded her belly.

Last year at this time I posted on the Ultimate Seduction site for advice on curing cancer. At the time my Mom was sick and I was hoping someone could advise me on ways to get better. Well even though it was very serious in August the doctors managed to get it under control. Apparently things were fine until January at which point she was having some others problems and they couldn't give her chemo. Now apparently the tumors have gotten pretty bad and her condition is not good at all. Can anyone give any suggestions on curing or reducing this? I'm a bit desperate here, any help would be appreciated. If anyone's into praying that would be nice For those who do reiki that would be appreciated. Any other ways of healing one can recommend? Is there anything I personally can do maybe? I remember reading in the Power of Your Subconscious Mind the author was saying he cured his sister by visualizining her getting better, can anyone elaborate on such things?

Btw, how helpful are these things such as reiki, qi gong, and visualizations?

Please guys, any help would be appreciated.


PS: is there a more appropriate forum section to be posting this in?