The beyond human forum might be a better place as it covers a broad spectrum of topics - you might get more responses? Not being critical of course just trying to help you get some suggestions.

I don't have any answers for you on how to heal your mother but wanted to say that you are in my thoughts and prayers. My dad passed away in Nov from a long degenerative illness at the young age of 67 - we figure he started showing signs of this illness about 8 yrs ago. There was no known cure nor medications nor treatment - it was so rare that it took many doctors and many yrs to get an accurate diagnoses. He ended up in a nursing home for 2 yrs at the age of 65!
Those were two very long years. We went to visit several times a week and then the last 4 months we went every day. I know how hard this can be. One of the things I did with my dad was to really connect on a soul level his last month - We would often just gaze into each other's eyes (my dad was an old farmer type and did not express love in this gentle connecting way so this was unique for him) It's nothing I planned, it just happened but I'm so glad it did happen as it helped us to let go and say goodbye. Dad even told me he loved me one time! For him to say those words ment the world to me. The other thing we all did was to let him know it was OK to move on. His passing was very gentle - not like most with this illness - I think he was finally ready to let go.

I'm not saying to not try to heal her, give it all you've got! Miracles do happen. I've read of many who have healed when it seemed impossible.

But if it comes down to it you might have to let go with love. I still have to remind myself that I'm sad for myself not him - as in, I'm missing him but that he is in a better place.

Love and Light,