
There are a lot of techniques as there are a lot of limitations. Things like Spring Forest Qigong work best if individual is doing them too. Even Silva Method works best if everyone in the family is holding the positive image in their mind.

There are many people who will do what they can to help. Your mum could even call the Spring Forest Qigong organisation and arrange for a personal healing session with Chunyi Lin over the phone or in person.

For most things to work it does require your mum to take an active part. Using both conventional and alternative treatments that are available.

I do suggest you add her name to the Spring Forest Qigong forum's weekly healing list.

Also you need to get your own mind around some truths "and these things dont get better, you can only control them is what the doctor said" What the doctor said is a very limiting mindset. There are people who have gotten better not just controlled cancer. To help your mum don't accept the doctors view as finite. It's much more helpful to your mum if your mind is looking in the area of possibility. And where others have experienced recovery from the most debilitating form of cancer. Doctors had given up hope and they made a full recovery. It means it is a possibility for anyone who has to battle with any form of cancer or illness. When friends and family hold the expectancy for a better possible outcome it is easier for the patient to draw on the positive energy that surrounds them.

If your mum can start practicing something like Spring Forest Qigong she should. What you can do to help is put her on the weekly healing list.

Since you posted on the Paraliminal forum I will also suggest that you look at the Perfect Health Paraliminal. It's a way of getting the mind to think of good health rather than focusing on and energising the health problem. The persons attitude does have a lot to say about the recovery.
