Hi Dan,

As we all know Cancer is a serious disease and although self help methods can be very helpful in the long run, they can take time to get used to and develop enough proficiency that they start producing results.

It may be worth while considering getting help from qualified professionals who specialize in such situations specifically. There are holistic practicioners out there who deal with these types of situations regularly. I myself am one of those. I am a professional homeopath and based on my years of training and experience in the profession, dealing with complex diseases like cancer etc., I can tell you that in the hands of a good holistic healer, much can be gained.

Homeopathy is a powerful modality - so much so that in some Asian countries like India, Australia and England it is a popular system of medicine. I'd look for some good holistic practicioner of homeopathy, TCM (acupuncture) etc your area. Ask your friends and family for references. It would be even better if the person specializes in the treatment of cancers with good track record.

At the same time, practice of Yoga, Qigong, meditation, exercise, good diet regimen etc. can go a long way as aids in this quest.

I wish you the very best !