[Hi Dan,

Sorry to hear about your mum, I can't imagine what you are going through.

I am a practising hypnotherapist in London and there are hypnotic ie imagination / visualisation techniques that you can use.

One technique is where you imagine the cancer cells as an invading army and the body's immune system as the defending army and imagining the immune system winning the battle.

Imagining healing white light coming down, bathing her from head to toe is another technique that she can use.

She can use these techniques on herself, everyday, 3 times a day, 20 or so minutes a time for best results. I can't promise anything; just trying to help out where one can. Anyway, every little bit helps.

Cancer like all other illness is an emotional or mental problem manifested in the physical body. In a hypnotic state ask her to ask herself what the ROOT cause of this cancer is.

Do let me know how you get on or if you have any questions.

Best wishes,