Hi there AeB

I'm glad you mentioned the things you did here. I've actually been researching alternative therapies and it does turn out there are plenty. There is a problem though. I need to find someone my mother can speak to, preferrably in person where she lives, to actually verify these treatments. Some are not always the right thing to take. For example I went to a herbal / natural store last month to research any herbs or vitamins, or whatever it is they sell at these places, to help. I asked the person there, and although he recommended a number of things he did warn against taking them with chemo, saying they can cancel the effects of it. Now because such problems can exist I need to find someone who knows of these things in depth. Can you advise who I would go about talking to, or what types of titles of people would know? The doctors dont :S

A doctor (psychologist, not MD) sent me a bottle of Vibe at his own charge to try out. Vibe is a deitary supplement and he's told me its got a good chance of helping. Mom's doctor at first said she doesnt know about it so cant say its good or bad. Subsequently, I *hear* she said its prolly not a good idea to take anything else while on chemo. So theres a little quandary. Do you have any advice on what to do in these situations? The website for this Vibe bottle, if its relevant, is:
