Hi Dan,

Hi Dan,

Greetings from KwaZulu-Natal, South Africa.
On the 9th September 2005 my wife Elaine suffered a stroke in her brain stem. She was lying unconscious on the kitchen floor for approximately one hour before I was able to attend to her and summon help. She was taken to the local hospital for the necessary scans and the attending doctor informed me that her condition was too serious for them to handle, and that she would have to be transferred to a hospital in Durban some 70 kilometres away for more advanced diagnosis using sophisticated equipment that they did not have. She also required specialised intensive care and treatment.

When Elaine was eventually discharged from hospital I took her to a small holiday resort in the Drakensburg Mountains for a week to help her in regaining some strength. Elaine was very weak and still experiencing double-vision, nausea, severe dizziness and could not stand by herself without falling over. When we arrived the first thing I did was to start using the Accelerated Success Conditioning Program “I Am Healed Now!” and set the cd player to “repeat all”. This was left playing everyday for 24 hours non-stop. By the time we left the holiday resort, Elaine’s health was much better and she was able to walk some distance with my assistance but was still seeing double and was also having some bouts of dizziness and nausea.

When we got home form the holiday I set the player to “repeat all” and again left the program playing everyday for 24 hours non stop until late December. I most certainly have good news about Elaine during October to December as she had a most remarkable recovery from the stroke that she suffered and was already experiencing good health and living as if nothing had happened. Some might say that for a person of 70 she was lucky to heal so quickly, or that the very good doctors knew exactly what medication to prescribe, but I can honestly say that it was mainly due to the continuous Affirmations and Sacred Healing vibrations from “I Am Healed Now!” program recording.

Now that is not all!!! Before Elaine had her mishap, I had dislocated my left kneed and was experiencing some pain and discomfort. It was only when we got home from holiday and someone asked me about my knee that I realized that all pain and discomfort had disappeared during our week away. I can only suggest that my recovery from an injury that normally takes months to mend was accelerated by my being exposed to the same recording when I was with Elaine in the room and during my hours of sleep.

In December we started listening to “Eating For Excellent Health Now!” Every night before retiring I would start the cd player and only switched off in the morning. This was continued until the end of February. It is my pleasure to inform you that both Elaine and I are in excellent health. (Note: I still use these programs softly every now and then at night while we are sleeping).

I certainly hope your mother will consider trying these recordings and that they could possibly help her to recover or even overcome her cancer completely.


Last edited by Alex K. Viefhaus; 06/03/06 12:39 PM.