Hi Dan,

It's me again. When I left here I went to my email and found this article which I extracted from a Seve Wells news letter and I felt that I should share it with you.
Tapping away cancer

In June and July 2005, I participated in two level 1 EFT workshops - one in England with Judy Bryne and one in Singapore with Steve Wells. Both workshops were milestone programmes for me. I planned to take part in Gary's workshop in Manchester, England in early September 2005, but on the very date of the workshop, I ended up having to have a malignant tumour removed from my breast. Shortly afterwards I was informed that I had a grade 3 cancer and that I would need chemotherapy, radiotherapy and hormone treatment over a period of months and years of follow-up drugs. It was a shocking piece of news at the time.

At the time of writing this, I have finished six cycles of chemotherapy and one month of radiotherapy. I wanted to share some reflections with people who are learning about EFT.

I have used EFT daily throughout my treatment. Learning the skill of using EFT was very timely for me. I tapped throughout each injection of chemotherapy drugs, much to the amusement of the nurse (who made a note of Gary's site out of curiosity, but never looked it up it seems). On Steve Wells' advice, I have done 'imaginary' tapping during each radiotherapy treatment whilst lying under the machine.

In parallel with tapping, I have also looked at my nutrition (including alcohol and caffeine intake), my lifestyle, work stress and made some adjustments. I have learned Reiki healing and use that daily on myself too.

The effect of this has been that I have minimised all side effects which some say can be debilitating. I have been able to work throughout my treatment and many people have told me that I look healthier compared to before. One of the main results for me of tapping is that I am much more objective about things that happen, less emotionally wrapped up and freer therefore to have a lightness of touch which didn't exist in me before. An example of this relates to my healthcare experience. IN the past I would have gotten wrapped up in the inefficiencies of the health system, the inadequacies in the care of the nurses etc but I did not allow these things to absorb my energy. Instead I used my energy proactively to learn, to make changes, to cope with daily life.

My experience of cancer has actually been quite a gift. It has opened up new ways to live which are healthier for me than my ways before my cancer diagnosis. The future is unpredictable but the weird thing is that I am okay with that.

- Gabrielle (Name changed for privacy purposes)