Hi Dan,
Just another natural cure to try for detox.

A Cilantro Pesto Said to Remove Heavy Metals

Author Unknown

Heavy metal poisoning is rampant. It is a major cause of
hormonal imbalances, cancer, thyroid problems,
neurological disturbances, learning problems, depression,
food allergies, parasites, etc. etc. This is a great
recipe that is not only easy to make but also really
yummy, and it tells you how to remove heavy metals from
the body!

Cilantro is truly a healing food. One friend suffering
from high blood pressure due to mercury poisoning had her
blood pressure return to normal after eating two
teaspoons of this pesto daily for only a week. So whether
you need to detoxify heavy metals from your body or just
wish to use it as a preventative measure, 2 teaspoons a
day is all you need to take. This pesto has now become a
regular in my diet. Enjoy!

Cilantro Chelation Pesto

4 cloves garlic
1/3 cup Brazil nuts (selenium)
1/3 cup sunflower seeds (cysteine)
1/3 cup pumpkin seeds (zinc, magnesium)
2 cups packed fresh cilantro (coriander, Chinese parsley) (vitamin A)
2/3 cup flaxseed oil
4 tablespoons lemon juice (vitamin C)
2 tsp dulse powder
Sea salt to taste

Process the cilantro and flaxseed oil in a blender until
the coriander is chopped. Add the garlic, nuts and seeds,
dulse and lemon juice and mix until the mixture is finely
blended into a paste. Add a pinch to sea salt to taste
and blend again. Store in dark glass jars if possible. It
freezes well, so purchase cilantro in season and fill
enough jars to last through the year.

Cilantro has been proven to chelate toxic metals from our
bodies in a relatively short period of time. Combined
with the benefits of the other ingredients, this recipe
is a powerful tissue cleanser.

Two teaspoons of this pesto daily for three weeks is
purportedly enough to increase the urinary excretion of
mercury, lead and aluminum, thus effectively removing
these toxic metals from our bodies. We can consider doing
this cleanse for three weeks at least once a year. The
pesto is delicious on toast, baked potatoes, and pasta.