Hi once again,
I sincerely hope that the information helps you in some small way.

Extracted from EFT Down Under News

Cancer Management and Education.

This informative article is provided by John Allan who attended our recent Advanced EFT and the Power of Self-Acceptance workshop in Sydney. John represents an Australian charitable organisation which provides support to cancer patients. John uses EFT extensively within these programs to assist in pain management and emotional healing:

Cancer Management & Education is the organisation which I represent and facilitates programmes based on a successful model for emotional intervention and support in the adjunctive therapies and care of cancer patients. The programme has evolved from the concept that beliefs, feelings, attitudes and lifestyle are important factors affecting health and comprises both week long “live in” and weekend seminar formats. These programmes allow us the opportunity to examine the concepts of beliefs, feelings, attitudes and lifestyle with regard to healing in all of it’s contexts.

An initial and necessary part of the programme is the creation of knowledge of the generally accepted theories of cancer at the biological or cellular level. We examine, through the participation of experts, why cancer cells work in the way they do, the initiation of cells and what can be done, through nutrition, diet and supplementation (including the use of the generally accepted medical model drugs if need be) so that the cancer patient and their carer(s) can gain a concept of what can be done through the use of those modalities, to (at least) control the cancer growth.

One aspect of what we teach, is pain control and an important conduit in that regard is EFT.

Pain as you would be aware, is the number one fear that the majority of cancer patients experience. This fear is somewhat followed by the fear of death and subsequent loss, loss of control and lifestyle and so forth, but pain is the number one fear among cancer patients so it is of paramount importance to be able to offer something that actually works. You would have noticed that the fear of loss of control is also high in people’s awareness and this is one reason why so many cancer sufferers refuse analgesics etc for so long, sometimes to the point where pain has taken over their lives They refuse the drugs, because they perceive that such drugs will make them less aware of their world – a world which most people with a poor prognosis, want to experience fully.

This is where EFT works so wonderfully well. The pain goes (or is at least substantially diminished) and the patient can still function quite normally. I use EFT pain control techniques in our regular cancer support groups and all people experience something, the greater majority experience a loss of pain at that time. Really Steve, the only case in which I have not had total success at the time, is one where the patient has bone cancer in her legs and spine. If you have ever had a broken bone, imagine that pain throughout your body. I have no doubt, however, that with continued work, we shall experience greater success with that person.

Our charity’s programme focuses on the influence of beliefs and belief systems. Participants learn techniques for enriching their lives in order to promote their health through lifestyle counselling, relaxation and mental imagery using varying modalities of creative thinking exercises through harnessing the power of the mind. Additionally, participants explore the importance of gentleness, and the role of stress, secondary gain, and other contributing factors to their disease.

Our aim is to assist everyone who requires our help, so if people need to discuss any aspect of our programme, please call (In Australia) 02 62962521.

Visit the web site http://www.cancermanagement.org.au