Do you feel that you are being specific enough?

To me a few of those choices would mean nothing. So I trust that you have quantified and determined measures that will provide evidence of their achievement?

Are you using words that you can relate to?

E.g. 7. I choose to expand the quality and quantity of my positive relationships with others. (for me personally that sounds new age fluffy. I would have no idea how I can know I've improved my "positive relationships" That's possibly because I do have great ongoing relationships with family, friends and acquaintances.) What really throws me for a loop on that one is the word "expand" it implies a future tense (that is it's not a statement of the present).

Nimber 2 also for me implies a future tense probably because you wrote "a career" rather than 'my career' along with the omission of the name of the career.

Number 3 is outside the self you're talking 3rd tense. In a sense this is pushing it to a future self.

You wrote "I choose to be an expressive, loving, wise, and happy person."

I would write ...
I choose to be expressive, loving, wise and happy.

4 similar problem "to live a life that gives me... financial resources to..." again implies a future tenses.

I'd write it...
I choose to enjoy my life and have the time and financial resources that satisfies my mental, physicial, emotional and spiritual needs.

5. again change 'a life' to 'my life'

6 I would write I choose my life and feel valued for my contributions

To say, a life, a/an ... person is taking it out of present tense, subtly implying that we haven't got it yet and will keep it out there as long as we express it as out there.
