My post was intended to encourage you to see that you have within you more choices. It it made you cry then there must have been an element of truth in my words for you.

I hope you did an Inquiry Process on it, if not please do.

I understand where you are coming from. There is a lot that you don't know about me and I can honestly say through experience that being down isn't when or where we find friends. We're just too plain self centered to notice them then. My best friends are the people around me who tell me when my thinking is letting me down. When I'm saying stuff that isn't going to help me. If what I'm doing isn't working I need to do something differently. My friends will often help me to see where I got myself stuck.

There have been people around me that have sympathised with my plight however it doesn't really help change anything. It might have stoked my ego to feel justified for feeling sorry for myself but in the long run that never helped. I've had friends who suggested that what I was saying wasn't serving me and the truth did hurt. It was the recognition that I was giving my power away. The choice then became mine.

So,feel the feeling exactly as is is don't try to change it. Know from your experiences so far that you will will have have those friends you seek to have around you. It is just another part of the process.

Real friendship doesn't happen over night it's give and take. And remember I cannot be a potential friend if I don't respond.
