Hi Tiger!

I’ve forwarded your comments to our Product Development Department for consideration.

That being said, though, one of the reasons Paraliminals work so well is because they are so organic and adaptable. Paul is an incredible wordsmith and is a master of “artfully vague” language. Because of this, Paraliminals point you in the right direction, but allow your other than conscious mind to find the perfect paths for you to achieve what you are seeking.

I would suggest prioritizing the items on your wish list and then start building them into your intention before listening to the existing Self-Esteem Supercharger. Get really clear on what you are seeking and then let your other than conscious mind start sorting your world for ways to make it happen.

I’ve been coaching these products for over 17 years and am still sometimes amazed at how effective they are!

All the best!
Wendy Greer