Posted By: The Learninator Image stream crash - 11/06/03 03:17 AM
I have no problem getting images - detailed striking images, but teh trouble is, as soon as I start to describe them, the images stop, like a computer crashing and I lose my connection - I become self-concious and the stream stops immediately! There is just too much to describe! Also, if the images do continue, I can't keep up with my descriptions.
Does anyone else have the same trouble? What can we do about it? Do we have to speak out loud, or can't we just follow the stream?

Posted By: AlexK Re: Image stream crash - 11/06/03 03:30 AM
I recommend that you do get in the habit of keeping on talking as fast as you can. Describe whatever you can in as much detail as you can. The thing is you get your answers from what you say out loud.

If you just follow your image stream without talking you're not going to remember the significant information for your notes. You'll probably fall asleep or finish the image stream sooner because your mind wanders of thinking... the auditory part has nothing to do if you're not describing it out loud.

Image streaming without saying it out loud is just daydreaming.


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