I have found in my new pursuit of IS that when I try to richly describe the images in my mind.....that I can't describe fast enought to keep up with my mind as it is already racing off to other thoughts/images.

For example, I may be describing the detail, but by the time I get to, say, smell, taste, or sound....I'm already on to something else.

Any help on this?


Are they supposed to be images or more like a movie? That is, can it be "moving"?


Stop analysising, the need to "get to taste or smell' indicates that you are working according to rules. The only rule is to talk out loud and include all your senses. It doesn't mean that you have to work down a list in your description it means follow what your internal eyes ears tactile and emotional senses playing at while you describe. Whatever is important will try to take over the image stream so follow that. If the scene changes it means decribe the new scene now. If it creates an emotional reaction you describe that.


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